e-Government Unit eGovernment Metadata Standard Colette Coles, Cabinet Office Ankara, Turkey March 2005
Definitions Element: Properties, attributes, characteristics Refinement: Narrower or more specific meaning to an element Encoding schemes: Information to help interpret value of a term e-Government Unit
ElementRefinementSchemeValue Meta tag example
e-Government Unit CreatorAll DateAll Subject.categoryAll TitleAll AccessibilityFor websites IdentifierFor websites PublisherFor websites Mandatory elements
e-Government Unit Recommended elements CoverageAll LanguageAll
e-Government Unit AudienceAll ContributorAll DescriptionAll DisposalAll FormatAll RelationAll RightsAll SourceAll StatusAll TypeAll Optional elements
e-Government Unit Optional – records management elements AddresseeRM AggregationRM Digital signatureRM LocationRM MandateRM PreservationRM
Binding Types (metadata technologies and industry standards) Functions (specific purposes for which metadata is used) Metadata Term Declarations Application Profiles (e-GMS profiles for specific purposes) Bindings (how to implement specific Application Profiles in specific Binding Types) Metadata Records Models (underlying metadata model) Local Metadata Terms Figure 1: Basic e-GMS Model
Functions Functions are significant activities performed with the resources web resource discovery transfer of records to The National Archives Each function will be defined formally, in natural language No agreed list of functions at present Functions must be at a high level, reasonably concise, and not proliferate into an unmanageably large set e-Government Unit
Application Profiles Metadata required to perform certain functions An application profile will be defined to meet the function’s requirements, including functional and standards compliance requirements A resource can have several metadata application profiles Some application profiles may apply to more than one function Application profiles will be defined in human-readable form Need a Binding for implementation e-Government Unit
Binding Types Encoding and representing metadata (HTML, XML and RDF/XML) A “binding type” specifies the syntax used to encode the metadata Some application profiles can be represented using more than one binding type Most binding types will be applicable to several application profiles The resulting Binding specifications are represented in the model by the “binding” block. e-Government Unit
Bindings A binding is an application profile represented according to the specifications of one binding type. This combination will enable software developers to build software that complies with a wide range of metadata standards Bindings will be defined in human-readable form with supplementary specifications such as XML schemas provided where required e-Government Unit
Metadata Records Metadata records associated with the resources held by an organisation e-GMS does not define how resources or metadata are stored Interoperable interfaces to these resources requires the exposure of records that conform to specific e-GMS bindings e-Government Unit
Metadata Term Declaration The terms used to construct metadata descriptions within a particular model must be declared before they can be used A core set of terms is made available by a global standards body for widespread use (e.g. the DCMI or IEEE) with additional terms being declared separately by particular national or local initiatives. e-Government Unit
Criminal records Identifiers Data elements – date, address, name, gender Criminal offences Status of case Status of “offender” Types of courts, prisons Geographic location of courts, prisons Physical location of records Disposal and retention Related resources – birth certificate e-Government Unit
Information and advice e-Government Unit GovTalk site GovTalk Metadata documents Guidance on the use of metadata in e-Government sss/cwa/meta-data+dc.asp sss/cwa/meta-data+dc.asp