Indiana National Guard Employment Coordination Program Job Search VIA Social Media
Indiana National Guard Employment Coordination Program Job Search VIA Social Media - Allows you to connect to people you know. - Allows you to see profiles of anyone else on LinkedIn, and gives you ways to connect to them - Same principals as Facebook - Allows you to search for jobs and sends announcements to you - Allows you to search companies, , blog and Twitter - IT IS FREE FOR VETERANS!! - Get noticed - Make a statement - Sell yourself - Be picture perfect - Translate your skills - Join groups - Manage settings - Be available
Indiana National Guard Employment Coordination Program Job Search VIA Social Media - Allows you to connect with people you don't know, on common interests - User name should be their birth name - Eliminates the middle man - Profile links
Indiana National Guard Employment Coordination Program Job Search VIA Social Media Notes- post a "note" on Facebook, explaining the situation, and what one is looking for. A note tends to stay on people's screens longer than a status update, and you can write much more. Status Update- Say things like "I had a great interview this morning... “keep your fingers crossed!" or "I have a networking meeting later today with a company I'm really interested in!". Also write a status update with a link when writing a new blog post.