Learning about the Bible~ Second Quiz
Two sources of Divine Revelation Sacred Tradition This has to do with what the Church teaches What she has always believed to be true because of people’s stories being passed down Sacred Scripture This is the written word of God that has been approved by the Church It is held as divinely inspired, so therefore it was very seriously scrutinized before being accepted as an approved text in the Bible
Sacred Tradition How is this tradition preserved? Tradition is preserved through the guidance of the Holy Spirit. Where does the word come from? Tradition come from the Latin word tradere "to hand over" What is the first recorded statement of sacred tradition? The first recorded statement of tradition is the Bible, but it is not limited to this.
Sacred Scripture Is the Bible one book? Where did the Bible come from? No, it is a collection of 73 books; 46 in the Old Testament and 27 in the New Testament Where did the Bible come from? The Bible was a collection of works that continued to be passed down. In 393 at the Council of Hippo it was decided which books would be included and which would not.
Divine Inspiration Many human authors, but all written by the Holy Spirit The authors wrote down the ideas that God wanted them to write down. This is called divine inspiration Can you think of a time that you may have been inspired? Perhaps to help someone? Or, with your school work?
Magisterium The teaching authority of the Church is called the Magisterium It comes from the Latin word, magister meaning teacher It is made up of the successors of the Apostles, in union with the Pope The Magisterium is responsible for teaching divine revelation to the People of God