Blackboard as a Foundation for a 1:1 Initiative Duncan Moss, Sr. Director, K12 Marketing Marla Walker, XXX, N. Kansas City School District
To close the gap between the way students live and the way they learn. Our Vision
Our Mission To increase the impact of education, by transforming the experience of education.
We Are Listening MOVING TO A LEARNER-CENTRIC EXPERIENCE Organizational Classroom Supplement Community Outreach Content Management Compliance Training Instructional Standards Based Teaching Lesson Planning Virtual Courses Blended Learning Online Professional Development Learner-Centric Individualized learning Student created and collaboration around content Teachers as facilitators
Driving Standards-Based Teaching and Learning WE ARE LISTENING Lesson Planning Standards Alignment and Reporting Curriculum Management Standards Based Instruction in Release 9.1
Deliver Organized and Flexible Instruction DRIVING STANDARDS-BASED TEACHING AND LEARNING Lesson Planning
Involve Teachers in Standards Alignment DRIVING STANDARDS-BASED TEACHING AND LEARNING Course Level Standards Access
Search and Add Alignments DRIVING STANDARDS-BASED TEACHING AND LEARNING Course Level Standards Access
Make Standards Alignment Transparent DRIVING STANDARDS-BASED TEACHING AND LEARNING Visible Standards at Course Level
Identify Student Needs Quickly DRIVING STANDARDS-BASED TEACHING AND LEARNING Standards Reporting
Update Standards Alignments Automatically DRIVING STANDARDS-BASED TEACHING AND LEARNING Standards Mapping
Developing 21 st Century Skills WE ARE LISTENING Active and Social Learning Individualized Instruction Integrated Media and Engaging Content Accessible, Learner Centric Approach in Release 9.1
Promote Active Collaboration DEVELOPING 21 ST CENTURY SKILLS Course Wikis
Provide a Structured Learning Experience DEVELOPING 21 ST CENTURY SKILLS Learning Modules
Integrate Visually Engaging Content DEVELOPING 21 ST CENTURY SKILLS Mash-Ups
Beginning the Partnership LET’S TALK Empowering Schools and Districts to Drive Student Success
North Kansas City Schools Suburban Kansas City, Missouri metropolitan area 32 Sites – 18,000 students 9 Secondary, 21 Elementary 42% Free Reduced (50% increase in 5 years) 18% ELL (67% increase in 5 years) 15 elementary schools qualify for Title I Demographic differences throughout the district Year 6 of Online Courses Year 2 of High School 1:1
1:1 Readiness Online Learning since 2004 ― 10,000 users, 27 courses, 700 enrollments per semester Teacher laptops since summer 2007 Laptop carts with student access at most high schools since summer 2007 Wireless networks installed summer 2007 Wide screen projectors with sound amplification installed summer 2008 Student and staff remote access to a district portal with network drives and Onsite technical and instructional support
Rethink, Redesign, Restructure R 3 Basics R3 +R3 + R 3 4Admin “Teaching to prepare digital learners for the 21 st Century”
May External Data Collection by KNS Observed in all 4 high schools- 35 classrooms (core & elective) Visited with numerous students Met with Building Administrators, Technology Coordinators, Director of Technology & team 2009 Snapshot of “Current Practice” 80-90% of classes observed used printed worksheets 80% of all teachers observed used their projector and teacher laptop Nearly 100% of the classrooms were arranged with straight rows of student desks and the teacher stationed at the front of the class The majority of the teaching was whole group instruction 91% of the classrooms were teacher-centered In 9% of the classes, teachers served as facilitators while students worked collaboratively Students interviewed had no reservations about moving toward 1:1 computing Teachers interviewed were eager, however, concerned about classroom management NKCS teachers fall on a variety of places on a technology integration spectrum As well as instruction in a student-centered environment NKCS teachers fall on a variety of places on a technology integration spectrum As well as instruction in a student-centered environment
October External Data Collection by KNS of 2010 R3 Plus teachers 2010 Fall Snapshot of “Current Practice” Teachers could also use a new tactic – “upside down” teaching. This tactic includes having teachers post their notes in BlackBoard for students to download, rather than wasting precious classtime to dictate information. Class time is then spent in either discussing the information as it relates to today’s world or using the knowledge to create projects based on the information. Knowledge-based level note-taking can be eliminated, yielding time for higher level thinking and collaborative activities. Algebra 1 - Polynomials Traditional setting – desks in rows; teacher station at front; teacher-centered instruction Assignment is displayed via the projector and screen Teacher has notes displayed on distributive properties. Asks students to write down the notes. Students use paper, not mini-notes to record the notes. Students will use a graphing calculator to complete the assignment. Teacher has good classroom management techniques and teachers with a high energy level, thereby helping with student engagement. Recommended Technology Integration: o Use “upside-down” teaching – send notes to students via BlackBoard so class time can be used for higher level thinking. o If teacher wants them to copy the notes, have them use the mini-notes with Word and create a table to reflect the notes that are projected on the screen.
R 3 Plus Teacher Staff Development
High School Blended Class
Online Course