The Church may do those things: 1. Specifically authorized Silence prohibits 2. Not specifically prohibited Silence permits Conservative Liberal.


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Presentation transcript:

The Church may do those things: 1. Specifically authorized Silence prohibits 2. Not specifically prohibited Silence permits Conservative Liberal

History of Instrumental Music Acapella – as in the church 5 th -10 th Century – introduction of organs Reformation – rejection of instruments From 1800 to Protestant changes

History of Instrumental Music Acapella – as in the church 10 th Century – introduction of the organ Reformation – rejection of instruments “Men still living can remember the time when organs were very seldom found out of the Church of England. The Methodists, Independents, and Baptists rarely had them, and by the Presbyterians they were stoutly opposed” John Spencer Curwen, the Royal Academy of Music, 1880

History of Instrumental Music POINT – As go the denominations, so does the Lord’s church digress

History of Instrumental Music POINT – As go the denominations, so does the Lord’s church digress ….Now make us a king to judge us like all the nations. 1 Samuel 8:5b ….they followed idols, became idolaters, and went after the nations who were all around them. 2 Kings 17:15b

Misconceptions We have a personal distaste for music We think Acapella is better A cultural objection We cannot afford a piano We have no one to play the piano We think mechanical music is sinful

Four Points on Worship 1.Worship is for God, not men “….Him you shall fear, Him you shall worship, and to Him you shall offer sacrifice.” 2 Kings 17:36b

Four Points on Worship 1.Worship is for God, not men 2.Not ALL worship is pleasing to God By faith Abel offered to God a more excellent sacrifice than Cain, Hebrews 11:4

Four Points on Worship 1.Worship is for God, not men 2.Not ALL worship is pleasing to God 3.God reveals what worship is pleasing His divine power has given to us all things that pertain to life and godliness, through the knowledge of Him who called us by glory and virtue, 2 Peter 1:3

Four Points on Worship 1.Worship is for God, not men 2.Not ALL worship is pleasing to God 3.God reveals what worship is pleasing 4.Wrong worship is sinful Jeroboam’s error – “This thing became a sin” I Kings 12:30

Has God Spoken on Music? God has revealed HIS desire every way possible!

But What About David? Then David and all Israel played music before God with all their might, with singing, on harps, on stringed instruments, on tambourines, on cymbals, and with trumpets. 1 Chronicles 13:8

Carnal Old Law Physical Israel Physical Jerusalem Physical Temple Physical Priesthood Physical Sacrifices Physical Music

Carnal Old Law Physical Israel Physical Jerusalem Physical Temple Physical Priesthood Physical Sacrifices Physical Music Spiritual New Law Spiritual Israel Spiritual Jerusalem Spiritual Temple Spiritual Priesthood Spiritual Sacrifices Spiritual Music

David & the Old Law There is therefore now no condemnation to those who are in Christ Jesus, who do not walk according to the flesh, but according to the Spirit. For the law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus has made me free from the law of sin and death. Romans 8:1-2

Carnal Old Law Physical Israel Physical Jerusalem Physical Temple Physical Priesthood Physical Sacrifices Physical Music Spiritual New Law Spiritual Israel Spiritual Jerusalem Spiritual Temple Spiritual Priesthood Spiritual Sacrifices Spiritual Music

God Didn’t Say “Don’t” He also does not say: “ Don’t sacrifice your children” “They have also built the high places of Baal, to burn their sons with fire for burnt offerings to Baal, which I did not command or speak, nor did it come into My mind” Jeremiah 19:5

God Didn’t Say “Don’t” He also does not say: “ Don’t offer strange fire” Then Nadab and Abihu, the sons of Aaron, each took his censer and put fire in it, put incense on it, and offered profane fire before the LORD, which He had not commanded them. Leviticus 10:1

God Didn’t Say “Don’t” God does not need to say “don’t” Now these things, brethren, I have figuratively transferred to myself and Apollos for your sakes, that you may learn in us not to think beyond what is written, that none of you may be puffed up on behalf of one against the other. 1 Corinthians 4:6

A Mistranslation of Psallo? Psallos, Psalmos “to sing” (with instruments?) If so, then instruments are commanded! Paul sinned in Acts 16 Jesus at the Lord’s Supper No translator has ever rendered Psallo or Psalmos anything other than “to sing”

Simply an Aid or Expedient To “aid” in singing, not to accompany An Aid: that which is needed or helpful in order to accomplish

Simply an Aid or Expedient To “aid” in singing, not to accompany If so then it is an aid: That dominates the music That creates a new form of music That changes music to entertainment That divides brethren Can it be expedient or an aid as such?

Musical Instruments in Revelation Revelation 14:2 – Harps Revelation 6:9 – Altars Revelation 8:3 – Incense offerings Revelation 1:13 – Lampstands Revelation 4:4 – Robes & Crowns Revelation 3:12 – Temple Revelation 20:6 - Priesthood Literal Doctrine or Old Testament Imagery?

The Church may do those things: 1. Specifically authorized Silence prohibits 2. Not specifically prohibited Silence permits Habakkuk 2:20 But the LORD is in His holy temple. Let all the earth keep silence before Him."