H OW TO PREPARE STUDENTS FOR BEDSIDE TEACHING Basic Knowledge & skills yr 1 communication skills - Objective for yr 1 : comfortable to communicate with patients Yr 2 : history taking format - Standardize the format of history taking - Biodata - Chief complaint/s - History of presenting illness - Review of systems - Past medical/surgical history - Drug / allergy (included within the past medical history) - Family history - Social history -flexibility to adapt this format for the individual specialty Application of basic sciences to clinical disorders
H OW TO PREPARE STUDENTS FOR BEDSIDE TEACHING Physical examination: - To explain to patient prior to any physical examination - to expose appropriately - to respect patient privacy at all times - main systems - Standard text books recommended ( REFER TO Hutchinson, Mc Leods FOR METHODOLOGY ) - To be demonstrated on primers and patients by lecturers: students need to have opportunities to practice preferably on primers - Bedside teaching to include taking vital signs i.e Blood pressure, pulse rate, respiratory rate etc.. - To practice inspection, palpation, percussion and auscultation in an orderly manner Orientation to hospital and wards -emphasize on team work - Respect and learn from other health personnel
Prerequisite to bedside teaching: - Proper bedside manners - Appropriate Attire - Both hands to be free to examine - All reading/ writing materials to be kept in your pockets - Basic examination tools - Lady students need to be reminded the earpiece of stethoscope to be placed correctly in the ears
H OW TO PREPARE STUDENTS FOR BEDSIDE TEACHING Phase 3 clinical bedside teaching - To ensure participation from all students during the designated time in a specific posting - Ensure good case-mix - To cover the common disorders appropriately for the students - To be conducted at the bedside particularly in examination technique of patients - All clinical signs must be checked by the lecturers - Lecturers to ensure that all systems are examined in all patients i.e. complete physical examination
Attitude - The students must be enthusiastic to learn - Be prepared to think of the wards as their second home Practice - Cannot depend only at the formal sessions allocated with lecturers but also need to optimize the time in each clinical postings to practiced with real patients
W HAT IS EXPECTED OF STUDENTS FOR BEDSIDE TEACHING They should have adequate knowledge and objectives for every bedside teaching All students need to be prepared as they will chosen at random They should have a continuous practice of the correct clinical examination technique based on the given reference books
H OW TO INVOLVE THE STUDENTS IN BEDSIDE TEACHING Increase the sessions of bedside teaching All the sessions should be dynamic and not repetitive Especially for the yr 5 students the atmosphere of the bedside teaching should also prepare them for their housemanship