The Learning Commons at AUC: an exercise in collaboration Shahira el Sawy Dean, Libraries and Learning Technologies Aziza Ellozy Director, Center for Learning and Teaching
The context: AUC’s new campus
What is a Learning Commons? (J. Lippincott, 2006) “the intersection of content, technology, and services in a physical facility to support student learning”
Fostering collaborative work and social interaction The Learning Commons
3-Dimensional Rendition of our Learning Commons
Why a Learning Commons? (J. Lippincott, 2006) In today’s academic environment “ …. students need assistance from individuals with a broad range of expertise…”
Writing Center Classroom Technologies & Media Services The Main Library Academic Computing Center for Learning and Teaching Rare Books & Special Collections Library The Learning Commons at AUC a broad range of expertise
Classroom Technologies & Media Services The Main Library Academic Computing Center for Learning and Teaching Rare Books & Special Collections Library Libraries and Learning Technologies (LLT) LLT Dean
The Learning Commons Birth and evolution of an idea
History 1998: Visit to Leavey Teaching Library, USC. –Student Navigation Assistants –Computer Consultants –Research Librarians 1999: Visit of Library Consultants –Recommend Integration of Library and IT 2000: New LLT Structure Classroom Technologies & Media Services The Main Library Academic Computing Center for Learning and Teaching Rare Books & Special Collections Library LLT Dean
History 2002: New Campus Plans & Design –Dedicated Space for the “Commons” –Library Consultants 2004: NITLE-PKAL Workshop on New Learning Spaces, Vassar College (suggested by Susan Perry) –Six member team: 3 LLT Faculty Members, 1 School Faculty Member, 1 New campus architect, 1 FF&E Consultant –Upon return, team recommends establishment of a Task Force Team members
Process : Task Force 2005: Provost’s Taskforce on Learning Spaces is formed 16 member team, from three Schools and LLT, Dr Ellozy Chair Five subcommittees for: –Formal Learning Spaces (i.e. classrooms, lecture halls) –Offices & Department Spaces –Library & “Information” Commons –Informal Spaces (i.e. lounges, dining areas, gardens…) –Specialized Learning Spaces (i.e. Visualization Lab, Distance Learning) ( ) Multiple meetings with: Provost, New Campus Development Office, Registrar, others Taskforce work still going strong
Process – last year 2006: Plans to streamline and integrate services –More collaboration between LLT units needed February 2007:Susan Perry’s Consultancy Visit –Recommends collaboration for “Learning” Commons –Suggests using Learning Commons as a stepping stone for LLT Integration March 2007: Learning Commons Taskforce created Six subcommittees with appropriate LLT key players Hardware/Software – Service & Delivery Library as Space/Place Technical Support Training Research Assistance Management/Leadership/Budget
Process April/ May 2007: Collaboration happens !! First phase report is being prepared
Classroom Technologies & Media Services The Main Library Academic Computing Center for Learning and Teaching Rare Books & Special Collections Library Main issues/obstacles encountered ? 1. Collaboration between units difficult to achieve “Silo” culture prevailed
2. Integrated skills of an instructional/educational technologist are difficult to find in local market. On the job training 3. Continuous professional development of staff important issue to address and needs constant attention 4. BUDGET…!!! Main issues/obstacles encountered ?
Past successes Integrated Libraries and Learning Technologies Structure Allowed integration of functions and services Open lines of communication established (regular meetings of committees and advisory group)
Past Successes Joint Projects –Planning, retrofitting and assessing prototype classrooms for new campus –Training and disseminating learning technologies across campus –Jointly developing and designing hybrid course –Collaborating on graduate students’ professional development workshops CLT CTMS CLTACSCLT ACS CTMS Main Library Main Library CLT
Present Successes New budget for Learning Commons has been approved Learning Commons Task Force has created an unprecedented spirit of collaboration among ALL units
Next step? Closer look at functionalities of all units Continue collaborating to further streamline, upgrade and expand services Anticipate and prepare for special training needs of faculty and students for the first six months at the new campus Prepare for the daunting task of the move to the New campus September 2008
Optimistic about the future New Libraries and Learning Technologies Building