Guidance template European Commission Directorate General for Agriculture and Rural Development National strategy plan.


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Presentation transcript:

Guidance template European Commission Directorate General for Agriculture and Rural Development National strategy plan

New RDR 2  NSP based on Council Regulation (EC) No. 1698/2005 on support for rural development by the EAFRD and the Community strategic guidelines for rural development  Presented document = guidance template = not binding!, provides help to the MS NSP guidance template Establishing the national strategy plan (NSP)

New RDR 3 NSP structure in 6 chapters:  1. Baseline analysis of the economic, social and environmental situation and setting of the baseline indicators  2. Overall strategy, translation of Community priorities and settings of national priorities  3. Strategy per axis, including quantified targets and objectives and indicators to be used  4. RDPs and their indicative allocation, including Convergence amounts  5. Internal and external consistency of the NSP, complementarity with other Community funding instruments  6. Amount and set up for the national rural network N.B. These 6 chapters constitute the main body of the text, its length should not exceed 20 pages. More details in annexes. Regional analysis in annexes. NSP guidance template

New RDR 4 Chapter 1: Baseline analysis of the economic, social and environmental situation and setting of the baseline indicators Baseline analyse should contain at least:  Economic situation: competitiveness of the agrifood sector, strengths/weaknesses of investment in human and physical capital; forestry sector  Environmental situation: relation to biodiversity, water management, climate change + indication of needs in these areas  Socio-economic situation in rural areas: identify strengths/weaknesses + needs Baseline indicators:  refer to the initial situation  the lead baseline indicators are compulsory, with view to report on strategy and to aggregate results at EU level NSP guidance template

New RDR 5 Chapter 2: Overall strategy, translation of Community priorities and settings of national priorities  In connection with chapter 2: –Balance between competitiveness/environment/diversification and quality of life + weighting of EU and national priorities + how resources will be allocated between three main intervention areas –Connection of the RD strategy to the Lisbon objectives; for Community and national priorities the plan should identify the key areas where intervention brings the maximum value added; MS should indicate the type of actions they envisage implementing. NSP guidance template

New RDR 6 Chapter 3: Strategy per axis, including quantified targets and objectives and indicators to be used  Axis 1 – balance between restructuring/modernisation and knowledge transfer/innovation, identification of priority sectors for investment  Axis 2 – balance between AE, Natura and LFA for biodiversity; water quality and quality management – agri and forestry; climate mitigation measures  Axis 3 – balance between diversification/economic development and basic services/rural infrastructure/renovation  Axis 4 – balance between local capacity building and implementation of local development strategies Quantified objectives and targets, broken down by gender and age where relevant. “Smart” objectives; targets sufficiently focused and realistic - available funding + implementation capacity More indicators can be included after the programme approval. NSP guidance template

New RDR 7 Chapter 4: RDPs and their indicative allocation, including Convergence amounts For MS opting for a single national programme reference is made to this programme, distinguishing, where relevant, the EAFRD amount reserved for the Convergence Objective. NSP guidance template RD ProgrammesEAFRD allocation including amounts under Art 12(2) of R. 1290/2005 Convergence regions (including phasing-out regions) Other regions (including phasing-in the Regional Competitiveness Objective) Programme Region A Programme Region B ………………. Programme Region N TOTAL (mio EUR)

New RDR 8 Chapter 5: Internal and external consistency of the NSP, complementarity with other Community funding instruments  Internal consistency of the plan, the relevant links with other EU level strategies and action plans and the complementarity with other Community funding instruments  Links between axes and integrated approaches should be explained + also the relevant links per axis to other EU strategies and action plans  Demarcation principle set in the NSP for actions similar to RD  Complementarity with other Community funding instruments for the same territory set out; coordination actions within the MS => in annex fiches analysing the objectives and contents (more about the complementarity in fiche 7) NSP guidance template

New RDR 9 Chapter 6: Amount and set up for the national rural network  The NSP has to indicate if the NRN will be established within a single RD programme under the programme technical assistance component or as a separate NRN programme.  In addition to the amount reserved for the NRN, the envisaged main functions and composition should be described.  There is however, just one single NRN on the national level!  Relation to the fiche 8. NSP guidance template

New RDR 10 Proposed step-by-step procedure: 1)Informal contacts with the MS – explanation of the NSP template and examination of the ongoing NSP preparation by MS; first orientations deadline: asap, before end ) Discussion of first version of the NSP with the Commission deadline: 12/ /2006 3) Formal submission of the NSP deadline: max. 3 months after adoption of the Community strategic guidelines N.B. min. 2 months – max. 4 months between NSP submission and submission of programmes NSP guidance template

New RDR 11  9 fiches analysing the objectives – across axes and with other EU strategies, priorities and funding mechanisms  Fiche 1-6 achieving the objectives through rural development measures  More extended analysis of complementarity and demarcation with other funds – fiche 7  National rural network – fiche 8  Strategic monitoring by the MS – fiche 9 NSP guidance template

New RDR 12 Fiche 1: EU Environmental priorities RD: to protect and enhance the EU’s natural resources and landscapes in rural areas, the resources devoted to axis 2 should contribute to three EU level priority areas: -biodiversity/preservation/development of high nature value farming and forestry systems -water -climate change 6 th Community Environment Action Programme – Environmental Thematic Strategies: a)Community Biodiversity Strategy – Natura 2000 Network b)Water Framework Directive c)Thematic Strategy on Soil Protection d)Community Climate Change Programme e)Thematic Strategy on Air Pollution f)Thematic Strategy on the Sustainable Use of Pesticides NSP guidance template

New RDR 13 Fiche 2: EU Forestry Strategy NSP guidance template Objectives – the sustainable forest management and the multifunctional role of forests  Forestry measures in RD can support the implementation of the EU Forestry Strategy and the upcoming EU Forest Action Plan by aiming at: –competitiveness of the EU forestry sector and economic viability of sustainable forest management, support the role of forestry in RD areas –protection and sustainable management of forests + social, recreational and cultural role –extending and improving forest resources in the EU –forest biological diversity, forests included in Natura 2000 –contributing to climate change mitigation Examples of possible measures: –Axis I.: Improving the competitiveness of the agricultural and forestry sector –Axis II.: Improvement of the environment and the countryside

New RDR 14 Fiche 3: Innovation in rural development strategies NSP guidance template Declaration on the Guiding Principles of Sustainable Development and Lisbon Action Programme Innovation = introduction of a new process, a new product, a new form of organisation of a new market in the provision of goods and services; also providing new responses to the specific problems of rural areas Types of interventions present in the NSP’s priorities: -transfer of knowledge -adaptation of innovations -adoption of innovative technologies -restructuring of production and organisation -new forms of integration of farmers in the food chain and the agri-food sector -innovative policy approaches

New RDR 15 Fiche 4: Information and communication technologies for agriculture and RD  Information and communication technologies (ICT) = applied to agriculture and rural areas in food safety, tracking livestock movements, agri- industry business models and rural broadband and services… = applied to processes, improving farm management, new organisation, distance work, new market….  ICT enable innovation, often combine traditional forms of know-how with IT  Assessment of ICT should be based on the following criteria: - no obligation, but suggested key action in axis 1+ 3 – rural areas usually lagging behind in the use of ICTs. - targets for the up-take of ICT: - smaller businesses, ICT clusters, virtual platforms; - emphasis in agrifood, the service and tourist sector - training, information and diffusion of knowledge on ICT - access to internet and broadband communication - ICT networking NSP guidance template

New RDR 16 Fiche 5: Organic farming NSP guidance template European Action Plan for Organic Food and Farming: Key words: typical and high-quality products; sustainability of the farming and agri- foodstuffs sector; protecting biodiversity; conserving non-renewable resources used in agriculture; rural development policy; food safety Examples of possible measures under RD: Axis I: Improving the competitiveness of the agricultural and forestry sector - vocational training - advisory systems - farm modernisation - adding value to primary agricultural and forestry products - financial support for farmers for their participation in food quality schemes - financial support for promotion Axis II: Improvement the environment and the countyside - Agri-environment

New RDR 17 Fiche 6: Bio-energy NSP guidance template Bio-energy = energy derived from biomass, including biofuels Biomass : from wood, crops, forestry residues, agri residue, organic waste Biofuels - bioethanol, biodiesel, biogas Key words: renewable energy, biodegradability, recyclability, Examples of possible measures under RD: Axis I: - modernisation of farms - improvement of economic value of forests - adding value to agricultural and forestry products - co-operation for development of new products processes and technologies in the agriculture and forestry sector Axis II: - first afforestation Axis III: - diversification into non-agricultural activities and support for business creation and development - basic services for the economy and rural population

New RDR 18 Fiche 7: Complementarity and demarcation between rural development and other Community structural policies at NSP level/programme level NSP guidance template Complementarity/ demarcation arrangements: the result of the national choices for the best combination between instruments should be reflected in both strategic documents – National Strategy Plan (for rural development) and National Strategic Reference Framework (for regional policy) The demarcation line should be elaborated at NSP level and at programme level. Main common fields with other financial instruments: -ESF : vocational training and capacity building -ERDF: forest protection, non-productive investments in Natura 2000 sites (axis 2), diversification/quality of life (axis 3) -CF: prevention measures natural disasters (axis 1), forestry protection (axis 2) -EFF: implementation of local development strategies in costal areas by CAG -LIFE+ : Drawing up of Natura 2000 management plans (axis 3)

New RDR 19 Fiche 8: National Rural Network (NRN) NSP guidance template National rural network – groups the organisations and administrations involved in rural development. Rural actors members of the NRN:  Beneficiaries of the programme or third parties concerned by the objectives of measures - axis 1+2 : food and forestry sector, farmers associations, producers associations… - axis 3: landscape/environmental protection, cultural heritage, rural tourism organisations, chambers of trade and industry in rural areas….. - axis 4: LAG  Administrations : regional and national administration, national associations of rural communes…. Duties: facilitate at MS level an exchange of expertise and support implementation and evaluation of the rural development policy + to secure information flow

New RDR 20 Fiche 9: Two-yearly strategic monitoring by the MS Report summarising: -Achievements and results of the RD programmes relative to the indicators -Results of the ongoing evaluation activities for each programme Proposed structure of the report: 1.Summarising and updating the basic economic/social/environmental situation 2.Summarising the progress made over the last two years covered by the report of the strategy chosen and the thematic and territorial priorities under each axis 3.Financial progress 4.Effectiveness analysis (qualitative) putting in relation the achievements with the means mobilised to reach them 5.Reporting the main evaluation results – from evaluation activities for each programme 6.Summarising the functioning of the consistency and coordination arrangements with other EU policies, priorities and financial instruments and the state of National Rural Network NSP guidance template