European Union Strategy for the Baltic Sea Region - flagship project “Sustainable rural development” Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development Department of Programming and Analyses
flagship project “Sustainable rural development” The Strategy for the Baltic Sea Region and and the flagship project were discussed during the Nordic - Baltic rural network meeting (3-5 November 2009) – it was decided that the questionnaire will be prepared The questionnaire on flagship project “Sustainable rural development” was elaborated by SE and PL The questionnaire was sent by on the 18 December 2009;
Aim of the questionnaire Conception of rural development and sustainability are very broad Questionnaire is to support selection of field for cooperation To channel further work
The questionnaire Background information Questions 1) inventory approach 2) indication of priority areas (5) and ranks 3) justifications 4) actions to be used for project purpose 5) suggestion about possible way of cooperation 6) identification of actors for each topics
replays from national rural network and Managing Authorities, Ministries including: National Rural Network (EE: FI; LV: PL, SE) Ministry of Agriculture (LV) Ministry of Agriculture and Managing Authority (EE) Common replay of NRN, Managing Authority (DK) The questionnaire
Regional and local food Culinary Heritage, Cooperation between Local Action Groups, Innovation in rural area, Biodiversity and nature conservation, Agriculture, flagship project “Sustainable rural development” - suggested topics in questionnaire
Forestry, Aquaculture, Climate changes, CAP (rural development) after 2013, Research coordination. There were two extra topics outlined: rural youth; cooperation and common marketing flagship project “Sustainable rural development” - suggested topics in questionnaire
flagship project “Sustainable rural development” - suggested topics in questionnaire: the score
Calculation of highest score – some limitations Some countries do not replay for questionnaire Some sent two questionnaires; common replay – how to weight? A lot depends how we weight he ranks (especially in case of the more distant position on the list)
flagship project “Sustainable rural development” - results: following issues have obtained the highest scored: Cooperation between Local Action Groups CAP (rural development) after 2013 Innovation in rural area Agriculture Climate
flagship project “Sustainable rural development” - results: following issues have obtained the highest score:
Cooperation between Local Action Groups – main objective is to encourage national and trans-national cooperation between LAGs; good experience; flexibility and wide list of actors; flagship project “Sustainable rural development” - results: following issues have obtained the highest score:
flagship project “Sustainable rural development” - results: following issues have obtained the highest scored: Cooperation between Local Action Groups “T he axis 4 in the RDP is the only axis with a measure directed to transnational cooperation. Thus there are lots of TNC already going on or being planned. According to our answer in the first question the LAGs should be the first option” (SE NRN) “As we are Estonian rural network unit and from the beginning (2007) our main theme has been to be Leader support unit, therefore Leader issues are still very important to us and especiallially Leader cooperation - both natonal and transnational cooperation. (EE NRN)”
CAP (rural development) after 2013 – future of the rural development is the crucial issue for future activities related to Baltic sea rural areas; need for exchange views, opinions and common aims. Country positions – a lot of differences – added value- better understanding; Example of possible acitivities concept of new measures flagship project “Sustainable rural development” - results: following issues have obtained the highest score:
CAP (rural development) after 2013 “ CAP after 2013 – Active debate on the EU budget post 2013 and future shape of the common agricultural policy is gaining momentum as we move towards the end of the programming period in These debates will have an important impact how the CAP will look like, what kind of financing will be available, what is the role of rural development policy, what will the toolkit look like for facing the challenges etc.. as the challenges around the Baltic Sea are similar among the member Sates, it is important to cooperate in the issue of CAP 2013+, to achieve the most suitable policy, which responds to the challenges of the Baltic Sea region in the field of agriculture.”(EE Ministry)
CAP (rural development) after 2013 “CAP (rural development) after 2013 – this topic is highly important in the EU and it is necessary to work on this subject to find the best perspectives for our region and Europe in general” (LV Ministry) “Discussion on the future on Common Agricultural Policy (rural development) after 2013 with different partners may lead to better understanding of different positions and support new solutions which better meet ongoing challenges. “ (PL)
Innovation in rural area – different approach in each country, ie. need for exchange know-how, best available technologies and experiences flagship project “Sustainable rural development” - results: following issues have obtained the highest score:
flagship project “Sustainable rural development” - results: following issues have obtained the highest score: Innovation “ Innovation in rural areas - is a topic where greater co-operation in our region is needed to become more competitive, efficient and sustainable. “(LV Ministry) “Innovation in rural areas – before further discussions- to create a common opinion on understanding – what is meant in each country`s rural areas with a term “innovations”. “Innovation in rural areas – One of the main objectives of the rural development policy is improving the competitivness of agriculture and forestry by supporting restructuring, development and innovation. In the context of globalisation and openness the move of the agricultural sector to market orientatation adds to competitive pressure. The increased openness requires restructuring and innovation from the agricultural sector. The agricultural sector must seize the opportunities offered by new technologies and innovation to meet evolving demand both in Europe and globally. Rural development is one of the main instruments in providing necessary tools in increasing the cometitivness of the agricultural sector” (EE Ministry)
flagship project “Sustainable rural development” - results: following issues have obtained the highest score: Research coordination “There are a lot of scientific research on Rural development topic, it has to be coordinated, to get the best out of it” (LV, NRN) “Research coordination there is need to review and list all studies made and in the process on Baltic Sea in the region. This could help in avoiding duplication of activities and in coordinating future activities, especially in terms of limited resources (both, in human and financial). (EE Ministry)”
Agriculture – different types of agricultural structures, objectives and impact; possible common actions (advisory system, environmental protection?) flagship project “Sustainable rural development” - results: following issues have obtained the highest score:
Climate – input from agricultural and rural development, mitigation and adaptation actions in RDP. flagship project “Sustainable rural development” - results: following issues have obtained the highest score:
Actions proposed “The Polish Baltic Regional Rural Network (Pomeranian, West -Pomeranian and Mazursko- Warmińskie) Units in cooperation with the Central Rural Network Unit would like to organise a conference within the project in (Date and location to be fixed). PL NRN”
Other suggestions “Cooperation between local action groups: to encourage national and transnational cooperation between LAGs. For national cooperation Estonian Rural network unit has been organised different seminars where LAGs have had a possibility to exchange their experiences. Different international events encourage cooperation with LAGs in other member states. CAP after 2013: Exchange of views, in different international events there could be some seminars related to CAP after 2013 to prepare some common positions.(EE NRN)”
Other suggestions “ There are contacts established between Finnish and Swedish LAGs as well as Finnish and Estonian LAGs. Estonian LAGs have also made study visits in Sweden. Many Leader areas focus on local food so these already existing contacts should be used.(SE NRN)” “Research coordination- creation of reasearch databasis (LV NRN)”.
Summary Events (SE March seminary on ferry; May Rural Parliament; Conference in PL ; NOV in Hiiumaa, EE;) Strengthening the LAG cooperations including studies visits; Database Reaserch working groups on different practical problems CAP discussion during different international events
CONCLUSIONS and QUESTIONS All respondents agree on inventory approach; - what should be the next step? The priority areas has been identified - How many of priority area do we need? (3-5?) Some concrete actions has been proposed What should be the next step?