AfrICANDO 2004 – Pg 1 AFRICAN UNION COMMISSION RURAL ECONOMY AND AGRICULTURE STRATEGIC FRAME WORK 2004/2007 AfrICANDO 2004 SYMPOSUIM September 16 – 18, 2004 Miami, Florida by H.E Rosebud Kurwijila Commissioner for Rural Economy and Agriculture
AfrICANDO 2004 – Pg Background Establishment of African Union AHS&G Decision in Durban, South Africa An era to focus on SOCIAL ECONOMIC Integration and Development for Africa. Dream culminated to formation of the the AU Commission in July 2003, In Maputo Summit, Mozambique.
AfrICANDO 2004 – Pg 3 THE AU VISION An integrated, prosperous and peaceful Africa, a dynamic force in the global community THE AU VISION An integrated, prosperous and peaceful Africa, a dynamic force in the global community Unity and Integration as a platform for growth and progress Human and material resources fully utilized in pursuit of progress and prosperity Human and material resources fully utilized in pursuit of progress and prosperity An environment where justice and peace prevail An interdependent, strong and ambitious Africa (Pan Africanism) opportunities of the globalized community l African values, wealth and diversity of heritage 1.1 The AU Commission Vision & It’s components
AfrICANDO 2004 – Pg Definition of long, middle and short term strategic Objectives of the AU Commission Continental integration LONG TERM STRATEGIC OBJECTIVES (2015-) Strengthening the pillars and the human network (intra regional harmonization) SHORT TERM STRATEGIC OBJECTIVES ( ) Emerging Regions (Inter- regional connectivity) MIDDLE TERM STRATEGIC OBJECTIVES ( )
AfrICANDO 2004 – Pg Agriculture and Rural Development in Africa MISSION To work with Member States, RECs, African Institutions, Civil society and development partners to reverse the poor State of Rural Economies through contributing to the Improvement of Agricultural productivity in Africa. VISION Africa Free from Hunger and Poverty
AfrICANDO 2004 – Pg Mandate of the Rural Economy and Agriculture Portfolio Working with Member States, Civil Society and African Institutions to Reverse Poor State of Rural Economies Improve Livelihood of African people through improvement of Agriculture and enhancing environmental sustainability by: o Promoting Policy and Strategy harmonization o Coordiantion of joint efforts o Advocacy and Information dissemination oResource mobilization, capacity building etc.
AfrICANDO 2004 – Pg The Challenges of AU Commission Includes amongst others: Initiation Promotion & Facilitation of Development and Implementation of : Increase Agric. Productivity and Ensure Food Security Policies Strategies
AfrICANDO 2004 – Pg Extra- Ordinary Summit on Agric. & Water Decision by the Maputo Summit in July 2003 Overall objective : address the Challenges of African Agric. Theme of the Summit: Meeting the Challenges for Implementing Sustainable Development in Agriculture. Outcome: Sirte Declaration on “ The challenges of implementing sustainable development in Agriculture and water”
AfrICANDO 2004 – Pg Sirte Declaration on Agriculture and Water: Contents Conveniently divided into Four issues. Policy related Issues Institutional Arrangement issues Financial Issues Implementation and Follow-up
AfrICANDO 2004 – Pg Basis for AU’s Agric. Strategic Frame work for 2004/2007 Outcome of the extraordinary summit on agriculture and water (Sirte, Lybia, February 2004) The Comprehensive Africa Agricultural Development plan (CAADP) The environmental action plan of the NEPAD Outcome of the World Summit on Sustainable Development Millennium Development Goals Outcome of the 2nd ordinary session of the Assembly (Maputo, July 2003)
AfrICANDO 2004 – Pg Long, Mid, Short-term Strategic Objectives Definition An Africa free from hunger and poverty LONG TERM STRATEGIC OBJECTIVES (2015-) Creating Enabling Conditions and Facilitate actions to improve agricultural and NR Productivity and to reduce rural poverty SHORT TERM STRATEGIC OBJECTIVES ( ) Monitoring and enhancing implemen- tation of Policies, Prgms for sus. Productivity MIDDLE TERM STRATEGIC OBJECTIVES ( ) Support the establishment of regional frameworks on policies, research and disaster management Achieve significant leap in crop, animal vaccine and tsetse programmes To contribute to food security and poverty eradication at the continental level, while ensuring a healthy environment
AfrICANDO 2004 – Pg Global objective 2004/ Programmes Create Enabling Conditions and Facilitate Actions for Improved Agriculture and N.R. Productivity and Reduced Poverty. Programme 1: CROP Production and Productivity Improuvement Programme 2:Improved Animal and Fisheries Production and Productivity Programme 3: Promote Sustainable Natural Resources and Environment Management and Development Programme 4: Enhancement of Rural Livelihood Systems Programme 5:Capacity Building and Knowledge management. Programme 6: Monitoring and Evaluation
AfrICANDO 2004 – Pg 14 Implementation Strategies Identification Process Programme 1: Improve Crop Production and Productivity Facilitate Consultations to develop and harmonize Policies and Strategies Promote the development of strategic Commodities to exploit Comparatives advantages Promote production and productivity of Semi-arid crops for food security Promote Phytosanitary measures to ensure food safety and quality standards. Facilitate Consultations to develop and harmonize Policies and Strategies Promote the development of strategic Commodities to exploit Comparatives advantages Promote production and productivity of Semi-arid crops for food security Promote Phytosanitary measures to ensure food safety and quality standards. Policy Harmonization Development of Common Strategies Policy Harmonization Development of Common Strategies Food Insecurity Low Input, Investment and Declining Productivity Poor Policies Poor Access to Markets High Post Harvest Losses and Limited Value Addition Food Insecurity Low Input, Investment and Declining Productivity Poor Policies Poor Access to Markets High Post Harvest Losses and Limited Value Addition Priority Strategies for an AUC action plan Potential value added of the AU Commission Present situation and key issues
AfrICANDO 2004 – Pg 15 Implementation Strategies Identification Process Facilitate the development and harmonisation of policies for Improved Livestock and Fisheries Development. Promote Investment in livestock and fisheries. Promote Cooperation on Transboundary Disease and Pest Control Promote Drought Mitigation Programmes for improved livestock, Fisheries and Pasture Production Promote Value-added Processing of Products Promote the eradication of Tse Tseand Trypanosomiasis from Africa Facilitate the development and harmonisation of policies for Improved Livestock and Fisheries Development. Promote Investment in livestock and fisheries. Promote Cooperation on Transboundary Disease and Pest Control Promote Drought Mitigation Programmes for improved livestock, Fisheries and Pasture Production Promote Value-added Processing of Products Promote the eradication of Tse Tseand Trypanosomiasis from Africa Enhanced Member States Cooperation for Disease and Pest Control Enhanced Regional Cooperation for Market Development Enhanced Cooperation for Research and Development Enhanced Member States Cooperation for Disease and Pest Control Enhanced Regional Cooperation for Market Development Enhanced Cooperation for Research and Development High Potential for Food Security Low level of Technology adoption and adaptation Low Productivity High incidence of pest and diseases Poor Access to markets etc. Population Pressure on Pastures High Potential for Food Security Low level of Technology adoption and adaptation Low Productivity High incidence of pest and diseases Poor Access to markets etc. Population Pressure on Pastures Priority Strategies for an AUC action plan Potential value added of the AU Commission Present situation and Key issues Programme 2: Improved Animal and Fisheries Production and Productivity
AfrICANDO 2004 – Pg 16 Implementation Strategies Identification Process Promote Capacity Building/Awareness for sustainable N.R. and Env. Management and Governance. Promote Development of Harmonized Policies for management of Shared N.R. Management Promote/Advocate Convention Ratification Promote Common Positions at International Negotiations on Env. Issues Promote Capacity Building/Awareness for sustainable N.R. and Env. Management and Governance. Promote Development of Harmonized Policies for management of Shared N.R. Management Promote/Advocate Convention Ratification Promote Common Positions at International Negotiations on Env. Issues Enhanced M.S. Collaboration for Sustainable Resource management Harmonized Policies of Member States Increased Ratification and implementation of Relevant Conventions High Potential to Contribute to Economic Integration Enhanced M.S. Collaboration for Sustainable Resource management Harmonized Policies of Member States Increased Ratification and implementation of Relevant Conventions High Potential to Contribute to Economic Integration High rate of natural resources and Environment Degradation Low Capacity to Predict and Manage Environmental Emergencies Inappropriate/Insufficient Exploitation of Resource Potential Need for more collaboration shared resource management Low level of awareness on environmental issues High rate of natural resources and Environment Degradation Low Capacity to Predict and Manage Environmental Emergencies Inappropriate/Insufficient Exploitation of Resource Potential Need for more collaboration shared resource management Low level of awareness on environmental issues Priority Strategies for an AUC action plan Potential value added of the AU Commission Present situation and key issues Programme 3: Promote Sustainable Natural Resources and Environment Management and Development
AfrICANDO 2004 – Pg 17 Implementation Strategies Identification Process Promote rural economic growth and employment. Promote agricultural based income diversification. Strengthen the linkages between the rural economy and industrial sector. Promote and Advocacy for increased investment in rural development/infrastructure development..Advocate the development and harmonisation of appropriate land tenure policies. Promote rural economic growth and employment. Promote agricultural based income diversification. Strengthen the linkages between the rural economy and industrial sector. Promote and Advocacy for increased investment in rural development/infrastructure development..Advocate the development and harmonisation of appropriate land tenure policies. Advocacy for better rural development policies High dependence on subsistence farming General poverty and increasing rate of delinquency/redundancy High vulnerability to diseases Poor/low skills levels and high post-harvest losses Declining agricultural productivity High rates of natural resources degradation High dependence on subsistence farming General poverty and increasing rate of delinquency/redundancy High vulnerability to diseases Poor/low skills levels and high post-harvest losses Declining agricultural productivity High rates of natural resources degradation Priority strategies for an AUC action plan Potential value added of the AU Commission Present situation and key issues Programme 4: Enhancement of Rural Livelihood Systems
AfrICANDO 2004 – Pg 18 Implementation Strategies Identification Process Increase African capacity in knowledge development and management to enhance agricultural growth, food security and rural development. Increase Africa’s technical know how. Evolve an African “Think Tank” for Africa’s agricultural and rural development. Increase African capacity in knowledge development and management to enhance agricultural growth, food security and rural development. Increase Africa’s technical know how. Evolve an African “Think Tank” for Africa’s agricultural and rural development. Accelerated consultation towards the establishment of Centres of Exc. Provide overall view of existing capacities and potentialities Provide political/policy leadership for more focused research Accelerated consultation towards the establishment of Centres of Exc. Provide overall view of existing capacities and potentialities Provide political/policy leadership for more focused research Largely uncoordinated research at regional levels Insufficient funding Need to take advantage of economy of scale Insufficient emphasis on research of immediate relevance for Africa Poor dissemination and uptake of useful research results Largely uncoordinated research at regional levels Insufficient funding Need to take advantage of economy of scale Insufficient emphasis on research of immediate relevance for Africa Poor dissemination and uptake of useful research results Priority strategies for an AUC action plan Potential value added of the AU Commission Present situation and key issues Programme 5: Capacity Building and Knowledge Management
AfrICANDO 2004 – Pg 19 Priorities Strategies for AUC action plan Promote good governance in agriculture, environment, natural resource management and rural development Promote corrective measures to ensure successful impementation of policies and programmes Promote good governance in agriculture, environment, natural resource management and rural development Promote corrective measures to ensure successful impementation of policies and programmes Programme 6: Monitoring and Evaluation
AfrICANDO 2004 – Pg Approach to the Implementation of AU’s Agric. Strategic Frame work. Participatory Approach is advocated involving: NEPAD in the Implementation of CAADP. Regional Economic Communities. Bilateral and Multilateral agencies Private sector, Civil Society. AU Specialized programs (IBAR, PATTEC, SAFGRAD, PANVAC & IAPSC) Establishment/ Strengthening Centers of excellency Regional, Continental & International Res. Centers The African Diaspora.
AfrICANDO 2004 – Pg African Diaspora as AU Strategic Partner Harnessing the Human Resource Capacity within Diaspora for Africa’s Development Advocacy & Lobbying for Africa’s Position in Globalized world (Trade, Governance, Social- culture development) Building Trade & Investment partnership Resource Mobilization for Africa’s development Appropriate Agricultural Technology Transfer to Africa
AfrICANDO 2004 – Pg Conclusion Africa has to take greater responsibility for its own development Africa needs fair trade and increased investment in science and technology in Agriculture rather than food aid Africa is now more open to external investments than ever before The role of African Union and its partners towards Africa’s food security, poverty alleviation and rural development includes: –Improving productivity and competitiveness of Africa’s small scale farmers in key strategic commodities through application of science &technology in Agriculture –Improving market access and infrastructure –Promotion of Fair Trade and investment opportunities –Building of strategic alliances with development partners and African diaspora –Capacity building in science & technology at all levels - centres of excellency in R&D, training and extension, farmers’ institutions, information and knowledge management, etc.
AfrICANDO 2004 – Pg 23 I THANK YOU