1 LEADER and TNC implementation including aspect of networking Kasia Panfil, ENRD Contact Point 25 May 2012, Lithuania
The functions of the European Network for Rural Development Support the implementation of Rural Development Policy: Collecting, analysing & disseminating information on rural development measures & practices; Providing information on developments in rural areas; Organising meetings & seminars; Run networks that facilitate exchange of expertise; Supporting the evaluation of rural development policy; Supporting national rural networks & Leader transnational cooperation initiatives.
ENRD Contact Point
(i) Knowledge Development / Analysis(ii) Knowledge Sharing / Communication(iii)Exchange & Cooperation / Networking ENRD Contact Point: Core Areas of Activity
(i) Knowledge Development / Policy Analysis Range of vehicles used (Thematic Working groups, Focus groups) evidence based (What works well and what can be improved) Topics with strong European dimension, now is supporting preparation for post 2013 – not only improvement of current programming period. Focus group on Better local development strategy & New Focus Groups launched: Local Dev. Strategies, Environmental Services & Knowledge transfer/Innovation RDP projects database (nearly 400) Monitoring information ( by measure, by Rural Development Programme, by Member States) On line forums launched to complement analytic work
Website available in 6 languages, now extended OpENRD launched – The ENRD on-line community Publications: ENRD Magazine Thematic based: Rural Reviews: Forestry, Rural Entrepreneurship, LEADER & Cooperation, Short Supply Chains, and Rural Finance (global draft) ‘project examples’ brochures: Food; Forestry; Multi- funding; Youth Photo competition – you are welcome to send your photos Preparation of new videos (existing ENRD and LEADER 7 features), (ii) Knowledge Sharing / Communications
Cooperation & coordination with National Rural networks (NRN ) ° regular meetings & NRN thematic initiative(Network self-assessment, rural finance) Support to the LEADER & transnational cooperation (TNC) °On-line tools available on the ENRD website in particular: LEADER Gateway Expended support to fairs & events (e.g. LEADER & TNC) °Successful LEADER event (27-28 April) about 400 participants including about 200 LAGs representatives °2 key aspects: TNC with “LAGs match making” and Better Local development strategies discussions Coming soon: events in Lithuania (in May) and Estonia (in June) (iii) Exchange & Cooperation / Networking
Complementarity of Networking to LEADER Facilitate information flow and innovation; Enhance the interaction of various members or interest groups within or outside of a particular community; Stimulate competitiveness; Improve access to rural development funding; Involve local actors in the formulation of policy; Involve expertise to encourage knowledge transfer and innovation; Stimulate alliances and encourage joint work between stakeholders.
The impact of Networking on Rural Communities
Challenges for effective and efficient Networking Effectiveness and Efficiency Lack of finance Lack of knowledge workers Inefficient communication tools Lack of empowerment/mandate Engagement with users Representation and visibility Partnership working
LEADER & Transnational Cooperation Online tools Transnational Cooperation in Europe LEADER Event 2012: Local Development Strategies and Cooperation
TNC projects in Lithuania participation in 8 TNC projects 4 TNC projects as a lead partner Example: “MSNZTNR Youth” Our chance to preserve the traditions of our regions Lead LAG Nemunas and PL, FR, EE Duration: 01/06/ /10/2012, Budget: Euro
Number of partners
Total budget of the projects
Duration of the projects
LEADER EVENT 2012 : Cooperation
TNC meetings: LEADER Event 2012 39 TNC meetings with 116 LAGs representatives 43 % TNC meetings called by France (other MS: Czech Republic, Italy and Romania) Tourism(28%) – most popular topic of TNC meetings
Thank you, Merci, Dziękuję