INSTRUMENT FOR PRE-ACCESSION IPA IN CROATIA Bled, 26 February 2008 Central Office for Development Strategy and Coordination of EU Funds


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Presentation transcript:

INSTRUMENT FOR PRE-ACCESSION IPA IN CROATIA Bled, 26 February 2008 Central Office for Development Strategy and Coordination of EU Funds


EU FUNDS IN CROATIA Central Office for Development Strategy and Coordination of EU Funds Stabilization and Assosiation Agreement 10/ /2004 Council Decision on Croatia aplication for membership 10/2004 Pre-acssesion strategy for Croatia 04/2004 European Partnership 10/2005 Opening of accession negotiation 02/2006 Pre-accession partnership CARDS ( /2006) PHARE/ISPA/SAPARD (2005/2006) IPA (since 2007) + Community Programmes EU MEMBERSHIP STRUCTURAL FUNDS EU & COHESION FUND OBNOVA ( ) FP FP

CARDS 2005: 87 m€ 2006: 80 m€ 167 m€ 1 FINANCIAL FRAMEWORK Phare 2001: 60 m€ 2002: 59 m€ 2003: 62 m€ 2004: 81 m€ 262 m € (nacional component 161 m€) ISPA m € = 252 m€ 2 3 Central Office for Development Strategy and Coordination of EU Funds SAPARD4 2005: 25 m€ 2006: 35 m€ 60 m€ IPA : m€

IPA Central Office for Development Startegy and Coordination of EU FUnds 1 All countries: I.Transition assistance and institutional building II. Cross-border cooperation Candidate countries: I.,II. + III. Regional development IV. Human resource development V. Rural delopment 2 Aim: Components: Support to candidate countries (Croatia, Macedonia, Turkey) and potential candidate countries (Albania, B&H, Monte Negro, Serbia) in preparation for the integration/accession to the EU and preparation for using the instruments of cohesion policy (structural funds and Cohesion Fund)

Transition and Institutional Building Assistance IPA – FINANCIAL ALOCATION ( / M€) Central Office for Development Strategy and Coordination of EU Funds 2 Cross-border cooperation 9,70 5Rural development 25,50 Regional development Human resources development 4 14,70 49,6045,6045,4039,5 15,90 45,0547,60 14,2015,7 49,7056,8 16,2 25,8025,60 11,3812,70 26,0 141,23TOTAL154,20146,00151,20 592,63

IPA – SUCCESFUL IMPLEMENTATION Central Office for Development Strategy and Coordination od EU Funds Preconditions : Financial Agreements – Framework Agreement, Sectoral/Annual Agreements Programming documents well prepared Tender documentation prepared on time (Terms of reference, techical specifications, guidelines for aplicants, bills of quanity) Framework FA for Croatia – signed in August 2007 Co-financing 1 Management system acreditated

Central Office for Development Strategy and Coordination of EU Funds Acssession Partnership ( political framework) Strategic Development Framework 2006 – 13 (development issues and prioriities) MIPD MIFF Strategic Coherence Framework (for IPA components III and IV) Operational programmes - transport - enviroment - regional competition - human resource developments Plan for agricultural and rural development Operational programmes - cross-border cooperation IPA – PROGRAMMING DOCUMENTS Annual Activity Plan - Strenghtening the institutional capacity for implementation of the acquis National Programme for Accession to the EU


Central Office for EU Strategy and Coordination of EU FUnds  Civil society development and protection of fundamental rights Civil society development and protection of fundamental rights  Improve of the minorities integration Improve of the minorities integration  Dialog between government and NGOs in area of democracy, human rights and minority rights Dialog between government and NGOs in area of democracy, human rights and minority rights  Reforms of justice and police Reforms of justice and police  Legislative aligment with the acquis Legislative aligment with the acquis  Reform of state adminisitration Reform of state adminisitration  Improving free movements of goods Improving free movements of goods  Strengthening the financial control system Strengthening the financial control system  Improve measures for enviromental protection Improve measures for enviromental protection  Strengthening the nuclear safety measures Strengthening the nuclear safety measures  Participation in Comunity Programmes Participation in Comunity Programmes Priorities IPA IPA Transition and Institutional Building Assistance

Central Office for EU Strategy and Coordination of EU FUnds Participation in CBC programmes with MSs  CBC programme Croatia – Slovenija CBC programme Croatia – Slovenija  CBC programme Croatia – Hungary CBC programme Croatia – Hungary  Adria programme Adria programme Participation in CBC programmes with countries in stabilization and accession process  CBC programme Croatia – Bosna i Hercegovina CBC programme Croatia – Bosna i Hercegovina  CBC programme Croatia – Monte Negro CBC programme Croatia – Monte Negro  CBC programme Croatia – Srbija CBC programme Croatia – Srbija Participation in transnational and regional programmes IPA Cross-border Cooperation Operational programmes Beneficiaries  Counties, cities, development agencies, entepreneurship centers, assosiations, faculties, instituts, muzeums … Counties, cities, development agencies, entepreneurship centers, assosiations, faculties, instituts, muzeums … IPA 1 2

Central Office for Development Strategy and Coordination of EU Funds IPA Regional development - transport Measures  Improvement and rehabilitation of railway network Improvement and rehabilitation of railway network  Assistance Croatia in meeting its obligations to implement EU acquis governing the railway system Assistance Croatia in meeting its obligations to implement EU acquis governing the railway system  Improvement of the security measures and eficiency of the railway system Improvement of the security measures and eficiency of the railway system  Project preparation for coridor X – railways Project preparation for coridor X – railways  Project preparation for coridor VII - internal waterways Project preparation for coridor VII - internal waterways Priorities  Upgrade Croatian railway transport system (infrastructure and project preparation) Upgrade Croatian railway transport system (infrastructure and project preparation)  Upgrading Croatian inland waterway transport system (project preparation) Upgrading Croatian inland waterway transport system (project preparation)  Technical assistance for OP management Technical assistance for OP management 1 2 IPA

Central Office for Development Strategy and Coordination of EU Funds IPA Regional development – environment protection Measures -  Establishment of new waste managements centres at county/regional level Establishment of new waste managements centres at county/regional level  Remediation of sites highly polluted by waste Remediation of sites highly polluted by waste  Establishment of modern water supply system and network Establishment of modern water supply system and network  Contruction of WWTP for domestic and industrial water waste and upgrading the sewerage network Contruction of WWTP for domestic and industrial water waste and upgrading the sewerage network  Project preparation facility Project preparation facility Priorities -  Developing waste management infrastructure for establishing an integrated waste management system in Croatia Developing waste management infrastructure for establishing an integrated waste management system in Croatia  Protecting water resources through improved water supply and integrated wats ewater management system Protecting water resources through improved water supply and integrated wats ewater management system  TA in OPs management TA in OPs management 1 2 IPA

Central Office fopr Development Strategy and Coordination of EU Funds Measures  Bussiness related infrastructure (grant sheme) Bussiness related infrastructure (grant sheme)  Improvement of bussiness climate Improvement of bussiness climate  Improvement of administrative efficiency on national level Improvement of administrative efficiency on national level  e-Bussiness competitiveness improvement programme e-Bussiness competitiveness improvement programme  Tecnology transfer and support services for knowledge-based start-ups Tecnology transfer and support services for knowledge-based start-ups  OP management and capacity building OP management and capacity building Priorities  Improving development potential of the logging behind regions Improving development potential of the logging behind regions  Enchancing the competitiveness of the Croatian economy Enchancing the competitiveness of the Croatian economy  TA TA 1 2 IPA IPA Regional development - Regional competitiveness

Central Office for Development Strategy and Coordination of EU FUnds Measures  Designing and implementation of active labour market policy Designing and implementation of active labour market policy  Support to the effectiveness of Croatian public employment service Support to the effectiveness of Croatian public employment service  Supporting access to education Supporting access to education  Strengthening the provision of Adult Learning Strengthening the provision of Adult Learning Priorities  Enhansing access to employment and sustainable inclusion in the labour market Enhansing access to employment and sustainable inclusion in the labour market  Reinforsing social inclusion and integration of people at a disadventage Reinforsing social inclusion and integration of people at a disadventage  Enchansing human capital and employability Enchansing human capital and employability  TA in OP management and capacity building TA in OP management and capacity building 1 2 IPA IPA Human Resource Development

Central Office for Development Strategy and Coordination of EU Funds IPA IPA Rural development Priorities1 1.Improving market efficiency and implementation of Community standardsImproving market efficiency and implementation of Community standards 2.Preparatory actions for implemenattion of the agri-environmental measures and local rural developmentPreparatory actions for implemenattion of the agri-environmental measures and local rural development 3.Development of rural economyDevelopment of rural economy

Central Office for Development Strategy and Coordination of EU Funds IPA IPA Multibeneficiary Programme MB MIPD Regional - beneficiaries of the Western Balkans  Aim to facilitate cooperation in fields of common interest, including for example regional transport, energy and environmental initiatives as well as the training of civil servants Aim to facilitate cooperation in fields of common interest, including for example regional transport, energy and environmental initiatives as well as the training of civil servants Horizontal Programmes - beneficiaries of the Western Balkans and Turkey  Aim to address common needs across one or more Beneficiaries and to attain efficiencies and economies in implementation by providing centrally managed assistance rather than by implementing the programmes nationally Aim to address common needs across one or more Beneficiaries and to attain efficiencies and economies in implementation by providing centrally managed assistance rather than by implementing the programmes nationally (Disaster Risk Reduction, IBM, Nuclear Safety and Radiation Protection, TAIEX etc.)

Central Office for Development Strategy and Coordination of EU Funds Thank you! Mirjana Balenović Arbutina www.