Role of DPs in Kenyan Agriculture growth A Discussion paper for Tegemeo Conference on agricultural productivity, competetiveness and rural povery in Kenya 17th – 18th September 2008 J.K.Kiara
Introduction This presentation intends to show that the that role of DPs has not only contributed to agricultural growth but also accelerated it.
Source: Daily Nation, March 2007
Presentation outline 1.Overview of development assistance to agricultural sector in Kenya 2.Broad areas of support 3.Coordination of development assistance to the sector 4.Challenges and opportunities in realizing required growth
Overview of development assistance The role of development partners has not been limited to the amount of ODA flows alone. Constructive dialogue, exchange visits and trade has enabled DPs contribute to sustainable agriculture growth and development in Kenya. information generated in developed countries has also informed the formulation of policies and strategies that have facilitated the growth of agriculture
Overview--- Nature, focus, volumes and strategies have changed over the last four decades –green revolution in the 1960’s to 1980’s – integrated rural development projects of 1980’s to mid- 1990’s – sector wide approaches of today.
Global ODA to Agriculture, , constant prices (billion USD)
Global Volumes of bilateral assistance to agriculture in 1980, 1990 and 2000 mUSD
Share of ODA to Kenyan Agriculture sector 2008/09 Dev. estimates b KES b KES FAO, UNDP & UNICEF 7.44 B KES
Recurrent 2008/09 in B KES 480 m less 1.8 b less 146 m more 52 m more Recurrent 2007/08 in B KES 12.4 BKE S 14.2 BKE S
Broad areas of support Research Training Development –Programme Identification –Participatory Processes Mainstreamed in Programmes –Major donor supported programmes
Focus of ODA Kenyan programmes DPs support to the sector addresses questions raised in the World Development report on Agriculture for development. –What can agriculture do for development? –What are effective instruments in using agriculture for development and –how can agriculture-for-development agendas best be implemented? The programmes both at ASCU and at subsector level address –policy neglect and increasing investment in the sector. – are pro-poor projects with the aim to increase the assets of the poor households, –make small holders more productive and –create opportunities in the rural nonfarm economy that the rural poor can seize. DPs are encouraging the design of policies and decision processes that are suited to Kenya’s economic and social conditions, by – mobilizing political support and – improving the governance of agriculture
Coordination SRA 2004 SWAp workshop ASCU Thematic Working Groups ASSP
Achievements and ongoing work RESEARCH AND EXTENSION Extension policy and its implementation framework National Agriculture Research System policy. Communication strategy for research and extension drafted.
UMBRELLA LEGISLATION Concept Paper on consolidated legislation completed. Review of cap 318 has been undertaken Support to policy development in the sector ministries –Fisheries Policy –Cooperative Development Policy –Cooperative Investment Policy. –Kenya National Pharmaceutical Policy. –Apiculture Policy. –Kenya National Poultry Policy
Agribusiness and Value Addition Commodity prioritizing exercise which included analyzing their value chain to list the pertinent constraints and requirements was conducted. 30 agricultural products for commercialization including indigenous crops were targeted Studies on 9 commodities undertaken -tea, cotton, pyrethrum, hides/skins (recommended by the NESC) Beef, Dairy, Coffee, Horticulture and Fish/Sea foods).
INPUT AND FINANCIAL SERVICES Development of the National Accelerated Agricultural Inputs Access Programme (NAAIAP) Review of and development of Seeds Policy, Seeds Act, and Seeds Regulations Development of National Variety Performance Trials Regulations
FOOD SECURITY AND NUTRITION Food security and Nutrition policy and strategy have been completed and are awaiting cabinet approval.
Other support initiatives Humanitarian and recovery Regional programmes Conferences, Seminars and Workshops
CHALLENGES AND OPPORTUNITIES Coordination Financial Commitments Local Capacity Global Governance
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