Chartbook 2005 Utilization and Volume Chapter 3: Utilization and Volume
Chartbook 2005 Utilization and Volume 3-2 Chart 3.1: Inpatient Admissions in Community Hospitals Source: The Lewin Group analysis of American Hospital Association Annual Survey data, 1980 – 2003, for community hospitals. Millions
Chartbook 2005 Utilization and Volume 3-3 Source: The Lewin Group analysis of American Hospital Association Annual Survey data, 1980 – 2003, for community hospitals. Chart 3.2: Total Inpatient Days in Community Hospitals Millions
Chartbook 2005 Utilization and Volume 3-4 Chart 3.3: Inpatient Admissions per 1,000 Persons Source: The Lewin Group analysis of American Hospital Association Annual Survey data, 1980 – 2003, for community hospitals and US Census Bureau: State and County QuickFacts, 2003 population estimate data derived from Population Estimates, 2000 Census of Population and Housing Per Thousand
Chartbook 2005 Utilization and Volume 3-5 Chart 3.4: Inpatient Days per 1,000 Persons Per Thousand Source: The Lewin Group analysis of American Hospital Association Annual Survey data, 1980 – 2003, for community hospitals and US Census Bureau: State and County QuickFacts, 2003 population estimate data derived from Population Estimates, 2000 Census of Population and Housing
Chartbook 2005 Utilization and Volume 3-6 Chart 3.5: Average Length of Stay in Community Hospitals Source: The Lewin Group analysis of American Hospital Association Annual Survey data, 1980 – 2003, for community hospitals Days
Chartbook 2005 Utilization and Volume 3-7 Source: The Lewin Group analysis of American Hospital Association Annual Survey data, 2003, for community hospitals 5.0 to 6.9 Days 4.0 to 4.9 Days 7.0 to 8.9 Days > 9 Days RI 5.4 Days DE 6.2 Days DC6.7 Days Chart 3.6: Average Length of Stay in Community Hospitals by State 2003
Chartbook 2005 Utilization and Volume 3-8 Chart 3.7: Emergency Department Visits and Emergency Departments (1) in Community Hospitals Source: The Lewin Group analysis of American Hospital Association Annual Survey data, 1990 – 2003, for community hospitals (1) Defined as hospitals reporting ED visits Number of ED Visits (Millions) Emergency Departments ED Visits Emergency Departments
Chartbook 2005 Utilization and Volume 3-9 Per Thousand Chart 3.8: Hospital Emergency Department Visits per 1,000 Persons Source: The Lewin Group analysis of American Hospital Association Annual Survey data, 1990 – 2003, for community hospitals and US Census Bureau: State and County QuickFacts, 2003 population estimate data derived from Population Estimates, 2000 Census of Population and Housing
Chartbook 2005 Utilization and Volume 3-10 ED is At Capacity ED is Over Capacity Chart 3.9: Percent of Hospitals Reporting Emergency Department Capacity Issues by Type of Hospital 2004 Source: American Hospital Association 2004 Survey of Hospital Leaders 30% 64% 77% 44% 48%
Chartbook 2005 Utilization and Volume 3-11 Source: American Hospital Association 2004 Survey of Hospital Leaders Chart 3.10: Percent of Hospitals Reporting Time on Ambulance Diversion in Last 12 Months January 2004 Percentage of Hospitals
Chartbook 2005 Utilization and Volume 3-12 Source: American Hospital Association 2004 Survey of Hospital Leaders Percentage of Hospitals Chart 3.11: Conditions Hospitals Reported as Number One Factor Contributing to Ambulance Diversions 2003 – 2004
Chartbook 2005 Utilization and Volume 3-13 Millions Chart 3.12: Total Hospital Outpatient Visits in Community Hospitals Source: The Lewin Group analysis of American Hospital Association Annual Survey data, 1980 – 2003, for community hospitals
Chartbook 2005 Utilization and Volume 3-14 Per Thousand Chart 3.13: Hospital Outpatient Visits per 1,000 Persons Source: The Lewin Group analysis of American Hospital Association Annual Survey data, , for community hospitals and US Census Bureau: State and County QuickFacts, 2003 population estimate data derived from Population Estimates, 2000 Census of Population and Housing
Chartbook 2005 Utilization and Volume 3-15 Chart 3.14: Percentage Share of Inpatient vs. Outpatient Surgeries Source: The Lewin Group analysis of American Hospital Association Annual Survey data, 1980 – 2003, for community hospitals Outpatient Surgeries Inpatient Surgeries