Mary Aery, ED.S Special Education Service Agency TEACHING STRATEGIES IN EARLY CHILDHOOD
A teaching strategy is a behavior or activity that a teacher deliberately selects and flexibly applies to help students construct meaning* *Meigan, 2005,p. 557
Look at teaching strategies that you can use in the classroom.
Acknowledge what children do or say. This can be done by what you’ve noticed, through comments, or observation* “Mary, I notice how you’ve used bright colors in your paint project. I like it!” *Copyright © YEAR NAEYC ®. Source:
Encourage persistence and effort rather than just praising what the student has done.* “Ben, you need to be patient and quiet when we go out ice fishing this afternoon.” *Copyright © YEAR NAEYC ®. Source:
Give specific feedback to the student(s) instead of general comments.* “Jack, I appreciate you letting me know that the paint spilled on the floor. Let’s get a mop to clean up the floor.” * Copyright © YEAR NAEYC ®. Source:
Model a way to approach problems or issues for children instead of just telling them.* “Jack great job on showing Jane how to dribble the basketball!” * Copyright © YEAR NAEYC ®. Source:
Demonstrate for students the correct way to do something. This usually involves a procedure of how things need to be done.* “Students, I will show you how to hold the scissors to cut out the counting books.” * Copyright © YEAR NAEYC ®. Source:
Create or Challenge the task for students. This will go beyond what children may be able to do.* * Copyright © YEAR NAEYC ®. Source: “Jeff great job jumping through the hoop! I knew you could do it!”
Ask questions of children that stimulate their thinking about learning.* “Class, can you tell me what the word ‘Nippivik’ means in Inupiaq?” * Copyright © YEAR NAEYC ®. Source:
Give assistance to children so that they can work to their current competence.* “I can help you with your project after you finish writing your words.” * Copyright © YEAR NAEYC ®. Source:
Provide information directly giving children facts, verbal labels and other information.* “The social skills cards help us to learn how we can share our books in the classroom.” * Copyright © YEAR NAEYC ®. Source:
Give Directions for children’s actions or behavior.* * Copyright © YEAR NAEYC ®. Source: “Tell me how many colors and patterns you have on the table.”