Basic Issues in Agriculture
Agriculture Sector is changing the socio-economic environments of the population due to liberalization and globalization About 75% people are living in rural areas and are still dependent on Agriculture. About 43% of India’s geographical area is used for agricultural activity Agriculture continues to play a major role in Indian Economy Indian Agriculture
Provides about 65% of the livelihood Accounts for 27% of GDP Contributes 21% of Total Exports, and Supplies Raw materials to Industries Growth Rate in production - 5.7% mt Food grains production – mt
India’s position in world Agriculture Rank Rank Total Area Seventh Irrigated Area First Population Second Economically Active population Second Total Cereals Third Wheat Second Rice Second Coarse grains Fourth Total Pulses First Oil Seeds Second Fruits and Vegetables Second Implements (Tractors) Third Milk First Live Stock (castles, Buffaloes) First
Agricultural Resources Total Geographical Area (TGA) M.H Potential for Biological Production M.H Net Sown Area (NSA)- 143 M.H Net Irrigated Area - 56 M.H Area threatened by land degradation - 50% of TGA Drought-prone Area- 190 M.H
Mile Stones in Agricultural Development Green Revolution (1968) Ever-Green Revolution (1996) Blue Revolution (water, fish) White Revolution (Milk) Yellow Revolution (flower, edible) Bio-Technology Revolution ICT Revolution
Development of Indian Agriculture : Basic Issues Revitalization of Cooperative Institutions Improving Rural Credits Research, Education & Extension Human Resources Development Trade & Export Promotion Land Reforms Enabling Environment for higher Agricultural Growth
The thrust areas: Diversification of Agriculture Inter-cropping Micro Management Water Management Organic Farming Agri-Clinics and Agri-business Centres Bio-Technology
Efforts on Policies, strategies and Frameworks National Agriculture Policy (2000) National Seeds policy (2002) Cooperative Policy Agricultural Price policy Agricultural Extension Framework (2001) WTO/GATT agreement (1994) In addition to, various working groups, taskforces, mid-term appraisals and plan schemes (~68) In addition to, various working groups, taskforces, mid-term appraisals and plan schemes (~68) (for further details (for further details
Reports Agriculture Credit, Cooperation and Crop Horticulture Development including Spices Aromatic and Medicinal Plants and Plantation Crops Agriculture Infrastructure/Warehousing/Rural Godowns/Marketing/Post Harvest Management, Processing and Cold Storage, Trade and Export Promotion. Crop Husbandry, Demand and Supply Projections and Agricultural Inputs Agriculture Research and Education Animal Husbandry & Dairying Agriculture Statistics Watershed Development, Rainfed Farming and Natural Resources Management |Agriculture Development in Eastern and North-Eastern India Agriculture and Allied Sectors Organic and Biodynamic Farming (for further details
Technologies for Sustainable Agricultural Development Biotechnology Pre & post harvesting technology Energy saving technology Environment protection technology Information and Communication technology GIS & RS technology Internet/Intranet Technology
Fusion of Technologies for Sustainable Development - A Synergy of Multiple Disciplines Database Technology Internet/Intranet Technology GIS and Remote Sensing Image Processing GPS Artificial Intelligence Modeling
The beginning: (e-readiness) IT led Agricultural Development The beginning: (e-readiness) A two day conference (ISDA-1995 ) was held to assess IT Infrastructure and empowerment needs for IT led development in Agriculture Sector (one of the major recommendations was about 3% of the agriculture budget should be spent on Informatics Development) IT Plan for Agriculture Sector (AGRISNET) was submitted to Ministry of Agriculture in 1997 to establish “Indian Agriculture on-line” and revised in 2000.
IT Applications for Agricultural Development Requires Inter-Sectoral Approach Agricultural Research Agro-Meteorology Agricultural Marketing Agricultural Engineering & Food Processing Agricultural Extension and Transfer of Technology Credit and Cooperation Crop production & protection Environment & Forest Fertilisers and Manure Fisheries Irrigation and Drainage System Livestock, Dairy Development & Animal Husbandry Rural Development & Planning Soil and Water Management Watershed Development Wasteland Development
IT plan for Agriculture To strengthen IT in Agriculture and creation of Databases & Information Network for Agriculture Sector :- The plan was divided into three schemes by DAC Central Sector Schemes proposed DAC Hqrs Networking of DAC Field Units (DACNET) State & District and Sub-District level (AGRISNET)
Present Status of IT Scheme (s) of DAC: Various Components emerging as one scheme: IT apparatus in DAC Hqrs. IT apparatus in the Field offices and Directorates of DAC (DACNET) Phase II Development of Agricultural Informatics and Communication Agricultural Resources Information System System IT apparatus for States/UTs (AGRISNET) and Agricultural Marketing Information Network (AGMARKNET) Phase II
Information Systems Requirement in Agriculture GIS/RS based Systems: Soil and Land use Watershed developments Disaster management Cropping systems Agriculture Resources Information Organic farming (bio-fertilisers) Crop weather watch
Decision Support Systems Integrated Nutrient Management Integrated Pest Management Demand-Supply Projections Soil-Water balance Credit Management Inter-cropping systems Bio-fertilizer management Early Warning System
E-Commerce Applications Agri-Business (Agri-clinics and Agri-Business Centres) Agricultural Marketing Agricultural Trade Cooperatives Horticulture (horticulture, floriculture, sericulture, aquaculture etc,. ) Organic farming Agriculture Statistics
Ongoing ICT Projects of DAC DACNET ( AGMARKNET ( PPIN (cib/rc) ( VISTARNET AGRICULTURAL CENSUS NADAMS (National Agricultural Drought Advisory and Management Systems) HORTNET
Projects Under Pipeline: AGRISNET AgRIS (Resources Information System) Development of Agricultural Informatics DACNET (phase – II) AGMARKNET (Phase – II) Agricultural Census