News from the Atlantis Event Display Qiang Lu, Mark Stockton, Juergen Thomas, Peter Watkins (Birmingham) Hans Drevermann (CERN) Andrew Haas (Columbia) Eric Jansen, Peter Klok, Charles Timmermans (Nijmegen, NIKHEF) Nikos Konstantinidis, Zdenek Maxa, Adam Davidson (UCL) Physics Analysis Tools Meeting ATLAS Software Week, CERN, 12 Dec 2006
News from Atlantis Event Display 12 Dec Outline AOD data in /4: Calo Clusters Trigger data Demonstration mode Animated Event Reorganisation of JiveXML New Atlantis Website Other News: Calorimeter Endcap displays NOTE: Shown features are in Atlantis versions from AtlantisJava
News from Atlantis Event Display 12 Dec Clusters (1) Calo clusters are now displayed. All collections are retrieved, default is LArClusterEM (NB Clusters were always used in Atlantis to associate cells) Clusters displayed in EM calo region in XY and Z projection, as grey circles in projection.
News from Atlantis Event Display 12 Dec Clusters (2) Switch on in ‘Data->Calo- >Cluster Collections’. Default is ‘off’, due to calo cells in same area, when using Digi or ESD.
News from Atlantis Event Display 12 Dec AOD data in (3): Trigger TriggerDecision is displayed in Legoplot view corner window. ‘passed’ L1, L2, EF. JiveXML checks if trigger is configured. Trigger item lists for all three trigger stages. ‘Pick’ on ROIs will show energies (update of JiveXML needed) (uses e.g. L1EMTauObject if available)
News from Atlantis Event Display 12 Dec Demo Mode (1) New command line option provided for users who want to run Atlantis on remote machine with a remote Xdisplay When giving command line arguments (-l, -p, -j), Atlantis starts in Demo mode: Loops through all events archive file (.zip) provided. Projections can be selected on command line, time interval (seconds) between switching projections Example: Start Atlantis in demo mode looping on events in using only YX, phi_eta and Lego projections with the time interval between every picture change set to 5 seconds. java -jar atlantis.jar -l -j abi -p 5 NB: if -j is not presented, the default projections used in Demo Mode are YX, eta-phi (V-Plot), rho-z and Lego.
News from Atlantis Event Display 12 Dec Demo Mode (2) Demo mode uses "FULL SCREEN" layout from AtlantisJava : Either starting demo mode from GUI (Help->Show Demo") or starting from command line (-l option), the canvas will occupy the whole screen, the GUI will be hidden behind. To use GUI, then you can show it by using the taskbar of your OS.
News from Atlantis Event Display 12 Dec Animated Events, Save Canvas, Pointer Position New functionality: Animated Event (‘File-> Animated Event’) Currently only on-screen, working on exporting.avi movie GUI changes: ‘File->Print’ replaced by ‘File->Save Canvas’. New option: Resolution for png. New Window: ‘Pref->Pointer Position’ (in correct units)
News from Atlantis Event Display 12 Dec Reorganisation of JiveXML Since JiveXML is broken up into 9 packages, one for each detector, one for Reco and Analysis, plus slim top-level package. Locations (as agreed with SW managers): CaloJiveXML in Calorimeter/CaloCnv InDetJiveXML in InnerDetector/InDetEventCnv MuonJiveXML in MuonSpectrometer/MuonCnv RecJiveXML in Reconstruction TrigJiveXML in Trigger/TrigAnalysis AnalysisJiveXML in PhysicsAnalysis/AnalysisEventDisplay TruthJiveXML in Simulation GeometryJiveXML in graphics JiveXML in graphics Each Retriever became an Athena AlgTool. All job options adapted, functionality and (general) usage as before. Many advantages: Simplifies involvement of detector experts Smaller packages (less dependencies per package, fast compilation when updating) etc. The ‘monolithic’ JiveXML package remains in 12.0.x., important updates/fixes implemented into both branches
News from Atlantis Event Display 12 Dec New Atlantis Website. Same address: (temporarily hosted by UCL) Clean-up and update of TWiki pages (only very few left)
News from Atlantis Event Display 12 Dec New Atlantis Website. Anouncements, Download, Install instructions, Links to tutorials... NB: Please remember our Mailbox limitations when asking for help. Put large Athena logs and screenshots into your CERN ~/public if necessary.
News from Atlantis Event Display 12 Dec Calorimeter Endcap New views of individual layers in LAr and HEC endcap: LAr Presampler and layers 1 to 3 HEC layers 1 to 4 Can select both endcaps or choose +/- endcap Use “Rubberband interaction” in YX projection to display all 8 layers at once Currently working on summing over the layers This will be an overview plot with limited Atlantis features
News from Atlantis Event Display 12 Dec EC Layers All individual layers summed over both Endcaps (use eta cut to select just one endcap) From left to right: LAr Presampler, LAr layers 1 to 3, HEC layers 1 to 4
News from Atlantis Event Display 12 Dec Summary Calo clusters and trigger data from AOD data in /4 has been added. Demonstration mode: Command line start-up, full screen mode Animated Event available on-screen JiveXML was re-organised New Atlantis Website online Please send comments, questions and suggestions to