Merseyside Fire and Rescue Service Fire Safety Inspections
Areas of Consideration Means of Escape Emergency Lighting Means of Giving Warning Fire-fighting Equipment Signage Housekeeping Hazards and Ignition Sources Management / Risk Assessment
Means of Escape Fire Doors
Means of Escape Final Exit Door
Means of Escape FD20s, FD30s, FD60s
Means of Escape Intumescent strips & smoke seals
Means of Escape Intumescent strips & smoke seals
Means of Escape Fire resisting glazing
Means of Escape Self-closing device
Means of Escape Door Wedge
Means of Escape Door Wedge
Means of Escape Door stuck open
Means of Escape Door stuck open
Means of Escape Approved hold open devices
Means of Escape Approved hold open devices
Means of Escape Approved hold open devices
Means of Escape Approved hold open devices - dorguard
Means of Escape Panic Hardware - push bar
Means of Escape Panic Hardware - push pad
Means of Escape Panic Hardware - thumb turn
Emergency Lighting General Lighting
Emergency Lighting Emergency Light indicator
Emergency Lighting Combined emergency light & directional exit sign
Means of Giving Warning Verbal Bells Gongs Triangles Electric Break Glass Units Automatic Fire Detectors (Smoke Alarms)
Means of Giving Warning
Fire-fighting Equipment
Housekeeping Combustible storage on escape routes
Housekeeping Combustible storage on escape routes
Housekeeping Combustible storage on escape routes
Management Fire Risk Assessment Log Book - recording of tests Maintenance of equipment Staff training
The End