Headteacher – Mrs Ann Herridge B.Ed (Hons) Info from Newsletter sent on 4th February 2011 Finding a New Headteacher The governors are working extremely hard on the process of preparing to interview for a new headteacher for the school when I leave in the summer. Trust me, the process is onerous and if you have seen lights shining in the school, particularly on Friday nights, it’s your governors working to ensure the process is carried out correctly and Cheselbourne Village School has the right person to take it forward.
Headteacher – Mrs Ann Herridge B.Ed (Hons) Info from Newsletter sent on 4th February 2011 ## Very Special News ## We are extremely pleased to announce that Mr and Mrs Freeman are expecting their first child. How brilliant is that! Their baby is due in June and Vicki hopes to work until half term in May. How’s that for dedication to Cheselbourne! Obviously we are going to miss Mrs Freeman tremendously but, good news, Mrs Bernadini has ‘stepped up to the plate’ and agreed to work full time to the end of the summer term.
Headteacher – Mrs Ann Herridge B.Ed (Hons) Info from Newsletter sent on 4th February 2011 International Tree Foundation Project Mary Ann Featherstone is visiting again as part of the ongoing project on Thursday 17 February. I expect this will involve wellingtons and ‘not your best’ clothes. Year four children will be planting trees on Linda and Clive Jones’ land and year two will be planting some in school. A note will be sent out just before the day.
Headteacher – Mrs Ann Herridge B.Ed (Hons) Info from Newsletter sent on 4th February 2011 World Book Day This year we are teaming up with Milborne St Andrew School for a collaborative event being held at their school on 1 March. Unfortunately it was not possible for them to organize it for the day – Thursday 3 March – but we have a coach and will be joining the Milborne School for the afternoon for a theatre performance by the West End in Schools company of ‘Rev It Up’. I’m sure it’s going to be great and it will be super sharing the performance with one of our DASP partners.
Headteacher – Mrs Ann Herridge B.Ed (Hons) Info from Newsletter sent on 4th February 2011 New Children Welcome to Aleisha and Isobella Ryder who joined our year three children. It’s great to see our school filling up with such lovely children. Great to have you girls.
Headteacher – Mrs Ann Herridge B.Ed (Hons) Info from Newsletter sent on 4th February 2011 Recycling Production On Friday 4 March years three and four will visit Dorchester Corn Exchange for a production of ‘Astra and the Waste Monsters’. This is a really excellent play which reinforces the idea of recycling and the reasons for doing it as well as giving children new ways of taking this concept forward.
Headteacher – Mrs Ann Herridge B.Ed (Hons) Info from Newsletter sent on 4th February 2011 Nurse Drop In Karen Caines will be here on Monday 7 March for her half termly ‘drop in’ session. Do please call in to see her if you have ANY concerns re you child/ren. She has a wealth of knowledge and loads of contacts, she’s completely confidential - AND - she’s free. We can even give you a cup of tea whilst you see her.
Headteacher – Mrs Ann Herridge B.Ed (Hons) Info from Newsletter sent on 4th February 2011 Mr Winch Visit Mr Winch, headteacher of St Mary’s Middle School, is due to visit on Monday 7 March again. He will take assembly and talk to any of the children that want to speak with him.
Headteacher – Mrs Ann Herridge B.Ed (Hons) Info from Newsletter sent on 4th February 2011 Open Morning Open morning is on Thursday 10 March and parent consultations that afternoon and evening. Look out for the appointment time sheets in school or ring Sandy at he beginning of that week.
Headteacher – Mrs Ann Herridge B.Ed (Hons) Info from Newsletter sent on 4th February 2011 NB NB - School Start Time Children can come into school at 8.50am but our official ‘work’ start time is This is the time that we start our lessons. Please try to ensure that your child is in school, with their coats off, lunch box stored and sitting down ready to start work by 9.00am. It is upsetting for children when they arrive late, even by a few minutes, and it disrupts other children and the lesson. I know that sometimes things happen which cause us to be ‘off time’ but it is so very important to ensure our children grow up understanding the necessity to be punctual later in life – but – the learning starts now.
Headteacher – Mrs Ann Herridge B.Ed (Hons) Info from Newsletter sent on 4 th February 2011 Newsletters are also to be found on the school website on the news page. Remember that there is a wealth of information on our website!