By: Natalio Castaneda
Table of Contents The Parts of the Computer & Who Invented Them The Different Types of Computers How People Use Computers in Different Places
Parts of the Computer & Who Invented Them One part of the computer is the chip The Intel 4004 chip was the first universal micro processing unit It was invented by Marcian Hoff Jr. & Federico Faggin
Parts of the Computer & Who Invented Them Marcian Edward Hoff Jr. Federico Faggin
The Different Types of Computers Digital computers have to digitalize words, pictures, and sounds to process them Analog computers they do not digitalize information to calculate it
The Different Types of Computers Mainframes are the largest and most powerful type of computer Mainframes can be as large as a normal sized room A personal computers, or PC, is the smallest type of computer Examples of a PC are a game console, laptop, desktop, phone, and a tablet
How People Use Computers in Different Places At work, people would most likely use them for financial calculating or word processing At home, people could use them for music, videos, internet browsing, and games At school, people usually use them for research and typing papers
How People use Computers in Different Places HomeWorkSchool
Conclusion Computers are quick machines that you can do many things with People use them for many things They have many different parts They can be used in many places
Bibliography (2008) “Computer.” World Book Bennett, Marc. “What is the Primary use of Your Home Computer.” CNET. CNET. May 9 th, /What-is-the-primary-use-of- your-home-computer/ /What-is-the-primary-use-of- your-home-computer/ “What are the Different Types of Computers.” GCF International. May 9 th, /computerbasics/1.2/