Biomass production and intensive forest management – an overview of EFINORD activities 1 Rovaniemi 12 December 2013 Mika Mustonen
2 EFINORD North European Regional Office of EFI
EFINORD Network of forest research organisations Focus on networking and work plan topics Intensive forest management and biomass production Ecosystem services provided by forests serving urban societies 3
EFINORD PARTNERS DONOR PARTNERS Finnish Forest Research Institute Metla Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences – SLU SNS IGN (Forest & Landscape) Denmark External secondments in the countries Polish Forest Research Institute IBL Estonian University of Life Sciences NETWORKING PARTNERS 35 organisations in 15 countries Open network for new partners to join 4
EFINORD Workplan on Biomass production and intensive forest management Silviculture and new management regimes Lead Tomas Lundmark, SLU Improved awareness and competence Lead Mika Mustonen, EFINORD Energy markets in Baltic Sea Region Lead: Maarit Kallio, Metla Developing science based decision support Lead: Johan Bergh, Future Forests Work plan available: News of the workshop: 5
Selected activities Conditions and prospects for increasing forest yield in Northern Europe Report: Forest biomass for Europe- What science can tell us book. Release approx March 2014, followed with a Think Forest seminar in Brussels Climate change and forestry in Northern Europe Workshop in Uppsala, Swe Nov Special issue to Silva Fennica Energy markets in the Baltic Sea region Project starting in 2013 Giurca A., Jonsson R., Rinaldi F. and Pryardy R. H. Ambiguity in timber trade from efforts to combat illegal logging- potential impacts on trade between South-east Asia and Europe; Forests 2013, 4(4). 6
7 EFINORD – SNS/Nordic forest research cooperation committee collaboration EFINORD-SNS network call More: NB Forest Joint Nordic-Baltic portal on forest research based information At: EFINORD flagship under the EU Baltic Sea Strategy Action Plan More:
EFINORD People Mika Mustonen (100%) Head of Office Peichen Gong (50%) Researcher Desiree Mattsson (30%): Research and admin. assistant Vilis Brukas (20%): Researcher & Alexandru Giurca: Trainee STAFF CAPACITY Totally 2 positions in full-time eq. Former staff: Ragnar Jonsson resercher
EFINORD – Organisation under change New host organisation 2014 SLU Umeå, Sweden Staff increasing to 5-6 (in 3 full-time equal) 9
North European Regional Office of European Forest Institute – EFINORD
11 EFINORD Launched Nov 2010, hosted by Forest & Landscape Denmark, Copenhagen AIMS To increase regional synergy within forest research by networking Expand the Nordic networks to involve partner organisations from the neighbouring regions Link from the region to EFI → European dimensions into the well- established Nordic forest research co-operation Promote research activities of North European relevance Communication and information