Embedding the Universal Offers Nick Stopforth Head of Doncaster Libraries and Culture Society of Chief Librarians Digital Offer Lead
Context The National Picture The Deficit -The public sector became 25% smaller in financial terms by April Potentially a further 25% by April Localism -Devolution to Councils and Society -Local political leadership ‘member-led’ Accountability -Accountable to communities, not Central Government
Context Libraries In England since 2006… Book issues have fallen by 9.3% Visits have fallen by 11% Net expenditure has fallen by 6.4% Total fte staff reduced by 20.5% Since April 2013 – 491 service points reported closed, likely to close or move to community management
What’s the size of the challenge? “… our model shows a likely funding gap of £16.5 billion a year by 2019/2020, or a 29% shortfall between revenue and spending pressures. We have also modelled the funding available for individual services within the projected resource constraint. On the assumption that demand in social care and waste are fully funded, other services face cash cuts of more than 66% by the end of the decade. Assuming that capital financing and concessionary fares are also funded in full, the modelled cash cut for remaining services rises to over 90%... Reductions on this scale would be highly likely to leave councils vulnerable to legal challenge. Many of these service blocks have statutory elements which may not necessarily be prescriptive but have already proven to be highly-contested, such as spending on libraries and road maintenance.“ Local Government Association
Libraries: Part of the Solution, not the Problem Support for the Vulnerable £ £ £ £ £ £ Building the Place £ £ £ £
‘LGA Funding Outlook for Councils 2010/11 – 2020’ Support for the Vulnerable £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £
Knowing the future 7. Where do you fit on the dashboard?
Are we facing a biblioclasm? 19th-century imagining of the burning of the Library of Alexandria. Image courtesy Ambrose Dudley/The Stapleton Collection/The Bridgeman Art Library
And the good news….. At least 24 people visit a library and 17 books are borrowed every second We are the top rated service in the public sector for satisfaction. We supported 2 million people online. There are 22,000+ volunteers within the public library network Flagship investments in Many more will be re-furbished, re-sited and their service extended.
Knowing the future Richard Watson’s Future files: five trends that will shape the next 50 years 1 Ageing 2 Power shifts Eastward 3 Global connectivity 4 GRIN Technologies 5 The Environment
So what do our communities want? Communities want to be: Healthy and well enough to enjoy life. To be ‘connected’ to friends and family To be able to afford the lifestyle that they believe they and their family deserve.
Support for the Vulnerable Building the Place £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ Libraries: Part of the Solution, not the Problem
The Universal Offers ‘Think innovatively, acting collaboratively and managing creatively to ensure the sustainability and future development of our services’. The Universal Reading Offer The Public Information Offer The Digital Offer The Health Offer Funding for a fifth Universal Offer announced September 2014 – The Learning Offer N.B Also ASCEL Children’s Promise
The Universal Offers What they do for us: A vision for the future Demonstrate our contribution to those wider public policy objectives Develop strong advocacy messages Provide a shared platform for developing new initiatives Share costs and resources
Digital Offer
Information Offer
Reading Offer
Health Offer
Did we know the future 10 years ago?
Is this a future? Photo by Tom Rossiter from the book Building Ideas: An Architectural Guide to the University of Chicago; Photo courtesy Bexar Bibliotech/Facebook; Photo courtesy Mitch Altman/Flickr; Photo courtesy Marc Hall/NC State University
Universal Offers Aiming for consistency, quality, efficiency Strategic partnerships, Future-ready ‘Think innovatively, acting collaboratively and managing creatively to ensure the sustainability and future development of our services’
Universal Offers Contact: Nick Stopforth, Society of Chief Librarians Executive Committee, Digital Lead