Purchasing Agreement
Ambition in Action PURCHASING AGREEMENT Purpose Set out the terms by which the DDG TAFE purchases training services on behalf of the NSW government from the Director of Sydney Institute. The agreement aims to ensure resources are distributed to -Achieve cost efficient training services -Improved skill outcomes -Meet NSW State Plan priorities -Meet NSW Government commitments -Commonwealth Agreements -Employer and community requirements
Ambition in Action Principles and business rules -Pricing is based on benchmarked delivery costing data to ensure efficient and equitable allocation of resources -DDG purchases training annually based on NSW State priorities -Institute director is required to *Meet ASH targets in each RAM category *Increase student numbers to meet Government commitments *Achieve performance targets and deliverables *Apply net revenues generated from externally funded activity to assist in the achievement of the NSW State Plan priorities and targets *Advise of anticipated underperformance *Monitor performance on a regular basis, identify risks and address risks.
Ambition in Action Monitoring and evaluation -DDG and Institute Director meet twice per year to review budget, performance and future directions -Agreement is reviewed and revised each year by September 30 to take account of the NSW State government budget. The institute director has also negotiated a Performance Agreement with each of the College Directors which is linked to -Purchasing agreement -SI Business Plan