Digital Video Solutions to Final Exam 2008 Edited by Hung-Ming Wang Shih-Ming Huang Confirmed by Prof. Jar-Ferr Yang LAB: R, TEL: ext Page of MediaCore:
Video coding using the H.264/MPEG-4 AVC compression standard link link Atul Puri,, a, Xuemin Chen, b and Ajay Luthra, cabc Signal Processing: Image Communication Volume 19, Issue 9, October 2004, Pages References Lecture Materials 考古題 ( 以前 ~ 現在 )
2.1 (a) (b) (c) (d) Cross Search: Best 5+8 = 13 points ; Worst??? TSS: = 33 points HS: Best 7+4 = 11 points; Worst??? Novel TSS: Best 9+8=17 points; Worst: =41 Each search points: requires additions Difference pixel by pixel (16x16 block-size) Sum of absolute differences
2.2 (a) Spatial & SNR Scalability (b) Q 1 >Q 2 >Q 3 (c) Upper part (d) S 1,S 2,S 3,S 4,S 5,S 6,S 7,S 8 (e) SNR Scalability Spatial Scalability Encoder
2.2 Decoder Entropy Decoding + DeMultiplex Embedded Bitstream Q 3 -1 Inter/Intra Prediction Inverse IDCT Q 1 -1 Q 2 -1 Inter/Intra Prediction Inverse IDCT Interpolation Filter Video Out Q 3 -1 Q 1 -1 Q 2 -1 (e)
2.3. Please give 4 major functional differences between (a) H.261 and H.263; (b) H.263 and H
2.4. Please describe the major functionality and draw a graphics to explain the relationship among MPEG-1, MPEG-2, MPEG-4, MPEG-7, and MPEG-21
2.5 (a) Reordered Block Data: 0, 0, -2, 0, 2, 0, -1, 0, -1, 0… TotalCoeffs = 4 (indexed from highest frequency [3] to lowest frequency [0]) TotalZeros = 5 TrailingOne = 2
2.5 (b) (1) nA=2, nB=4, nC = (nA + nB + 1)>>1=3 Coeff_token : ( TrailingOne = 2, TotalCoeffs = 4, nC = 3 ) (2) T1 sign codes : 11 ( ) (3) Level codes : 1011 Level [1]: +1 (use Level_VLC0) 1 Level [0]: -2 (use Level_VLC1) 011 (4) TotalZeros code : 101 ( TotalZeros = 5, TotalCoeffs = 4 ) (5) Run_before codes : Run_before[3]: ZerosLeft=5; run_before=1 10 Run_before[2]: ZerosLeft=4; run_before=1 10 Run_before[1]: ZerosLeft=3; run_before=1 10 Run_before[0]: ZerosLeft=2; run_before=2 No code required; last coefficient Note: Level (1), with a value of +2, is encoded as +1. If there are less than 3 T1s, then the first non-T1 level will not have a value of +/-1 (otherwise it would have been encoded as a T1). To save bits, this level is decremented if positive and incremented if negative. Reordered Block Data: 0, 0, -2, 0, 2, 0, -1, 0, -1, 0…
2.5 (c) nA=2, nB=3, nC = (nA + nB + 1)>>1= 3 Bitstream: Code Element Value Output array 0100 coeff_tokenTotalCoeffs=4, T1s=3Empty 0 1 T1 sign + -1, 1 1, -1, 1 1Level (VLC_0) 1 1, 1, -1, 1 0 T1 sign + 1 run_before0111, 1, -1, 0, 0, 0, 0, run_before4 00 run_before TotalZeros 10 1, 1, -1, 1 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, -1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1 1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, -1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1 The last four bits are redundant !!!
2.5 (c) Output matrix Decoded data: 1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, -1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1…
Table – coeff_token mapping to TotalCoeff( coeff_token ) and TrailingOnes( coeff_token ) TrailingOnes ( coeff_token ) TotalCoeff ( coeff_token ) 0 <= nC < 22 <= nC < 44 <= nC < 88 <= nCnC = =
Table – total_zeros tables for 4x4 blocks with TotalCoeff( coeff_token ) 1 to 7 total_zerosTotalCoeff( coeff_token ) Table – Tables for run_before run_beforezerosLeft >
III. 3.1 (F): the encoder is with ME and MC; the decoder is with MC to reduce the temporal redundancy. 3.2 (F): If the number of bands is equivalent to the number of transform length, the DCT and Subband coding are equivalent. 3.3 (F): RLC, which uses data consecution property, is a kind of data compaction. 3.4 (F): Even if you use the same standard, difference encoders could encoded difference coded data. 3.5 (F): For the decoder, the same coded data will obtain the same decoded video data. However, if considering post- processing of the decoded video, we may choose the better or more expensive one.