SLHC-PP Admin News Admin guide Time sheets Effort Web Pages 1 st Deliverable Report SLHC-PP Steering Committee Meeting CERN, July 3 rd, 2008
Admin Guide 3/July/08M.C.2 Largely reviewed version – FP7 rules for reporting – Rules applied to SLHC-PP – Annex: CERN Internal Procedures Responsibilities of the admin team (N.Knoors, K.Ross, C.Montagnier) CERN financial structure (budgets) Reporting (travels, personnel, claims, etc) Audit S.Schmeling – CERN/PH G.Cavallo – CERN/FI
Timesheets Effort The key to personnel costing is the timesheet (TS) that has to be filled each month by every participant in the project. We can charge costs of any staff (fellows, USAS, etc) involved on a FP7 project, to the extent that we can identify its actual costs >> use of timesheets is mandatory. TS are also a way to keep track of spending and project progress - About 70% of SLHC-PP direct costs are attributed to Personnel 3/July/08M.C.3
SLHC-PP Members 97 members 3/July/08M.C.4 Plots do not take into account the declared productive % of members
PPT tool 3/July/08M.C.5 M.Ropka – CERN/IT-AIS
TS Effort Nathalie KNOORS is in charge of PPT (TS, member registration, etc). Please contact her for any question, modification, etc. Huge initial effort, with an average initial success rate ~50% Final numbers are Ok, waiting for June figures: as of today, 2 days to deadline, 60% TS are Ok CEA is not filling in TS (10 members)! Letter sent, waiting for response Tool being improved (automatic fill of vacations for CERN members, statistic analysis, etc.) 3/July/08M.C.6 N. Knoors– CERN/PH
SLHC-PP WEB Pages 3/July/08M.C.7 Pages of general interest about the project: Participants, activities, PUBLIC Pages of general interest about the project: Participants, activities, PUBLIC Pages with information concerning the management of the project (groups, agenda, etc) INTERNAL (NICE pwd protected) Info by the Project Office Documents, EDMS Deliverables & milestone Tracking Groundowork, etc INTERNAL (NICE pwd protected) Info by the Project Office Documents, EDMS Deliverables & milestone Tracking Groundowork, etc K.Ross – CERN/PH
SLHC-PP – Public Pages Project Provide content, corporate image, and long-term strategy for the SLHC-PP Public pages Time scale: working days Start/End date: mid July – mid November Work can be performed remotely. Imperial College Deliverables: Create an image for all PUBLIC pages New format for SLHC-PP News Create Content for the Public Pages – About SLHC-PP (project overview and the WPs) – List of FAQs – Interview to key players (Project Managers, WP leaders, few Institute representatives, CERN management) – Links to CERN and LHC outreach/public sites Propose a long-term strategy to maintain and update the public site 3/July/08M.C.8
SLHC-PP Deliverables 3/July/08M.C.9
SLHC-PP Deliverables 3/July/08M.C.10
Summary Basic administrative tools in place Time Sheet Effort is crucial for our reporting, please all help Public Pages effort being started – Need cooperation from WP leaders to make as good as possible First deliverable successfully submitted 3/July/08M.C.11