NAICS breakdown for broadcasting and telecommunications industries 2 Digit Industry Subsector 3 Digit Industry Group 4 Digit Industry 5 Digit U.S. National Industry Broadcasting and telecommunications Radio and television broadcasting Wire telecommunication carriers Paging Cable networks and program distribution Wireless telecommunication carriers, except satellite paging Cellular and other wireless telecommunications Telecommunications Telecommunications resellers Satellite telecommunications Other telecommunications
Key characteristics of organizational buying behavior (first part) Market Characteristics Demand for industrial products and services is derived. Few customers typically exist, and their purchase orders are large. Product or Service Characteristics Products or services are technical in nature and purchased on the basis of specifications. There is a predominance of raw and semifinished goods purchased. Heavy emphasis is placed on delivery time, technical assistance, postal service, and financing assistance.
Key characteristics of organizational buying behavior (final part) Buying Process Characteristics Technically qualified and professional buyers exist and follow established purchasing policies and procedures Buying objectives and criteria are typically spelled out, as are procedures for evaluating sellers and products (services). Multiple buying influences exist, and multiple parties participate in purchase decisions. Reciprocal arrangements exist, and negotiation between buyers and sellers is commonplace. Other Marketing Mix Characteristics Direct selling to organizational buyers is the rule, and physical distribution is very important Advertising and other forms of promotion are technical in nature. Price is often negotiated, evaluated as part of broader seller and product (service) qualities, typically inelastic owing to derived demand, and frequently affected by trade and quality discounts.
Key organizational buying criteria Quality Specifications Technical Capability Past Performance Organizational Buying Criteria Delivery Schedules Price Warranty/ Claim Policies Production Facilities/Capacity
Five roles in the buying center Initiator User Decision Maker Influencer Gatekeeper
Three types of buying situations Long/ uncertain New buy Modified buy Decision time and problem definition Straight rebuy Short/ well defined Few Many Number of people in buying center and number of suppliers considered