Peninsula Purchasing and Supply Alliance An introduction to the Peninsula Purchasing & Supply Alliance (PPSA)
Peninsula Purchasing and Supply Alliance Peninsula Purchasing and Supply Alliance We are an NHS funded organisation, managed by the NHS for the NHS Our key focus is on the provision of a complete collaborative procurement service to Provider-side organisations Our governance arrangements are defined within the Articles of Agreement
Peninsula Purchasing and Supply Alliance Peninsula Purchasing and Supply Alliance We have been delivering collaborative procurement since 2002 Our ethos is based on mutual trust and transparency Our Mission is : …to deliver procurement excellence across the healthcare economy through stakeholder engagement, active collaboration and continuous improvement
Peninsula Purchasing and Supply Alliance PPSA Board Operational Board..set our strategic direction …set corporate objectives, formulate work-plan, manage performance and risk
Peninsula Purchasing and Supply Alliance PPSA Membership (2014) Acute Trusts Royal Cornwall Hospitals NHS Trust Plymouth Hospitals NHS Trust Royal Devon & Exeter NHS FT Northern Devon Healthcare NHS Trust South Devon Healthcare NHS FT Yeovil District Hospital NHS FT Taunton & Somerset NHS FT Dorset County Hospital NHS FT Salisbury NHS FT Partnerships, CICs and CCGs Plymouth Community Healthcare CIC Peninsula Community Health Cornwall Partnership NHS FT Devon Partnership NHS Trust Somerset Partnership NS FT Kernow CCG* NEW Devon CCG* *provider-side only
Peninsula Purchasing and Supply Alliance …funded by the NHS for the NHS A daily rate for PPSA members based on agreed activity for scoping, tendering, contract and category management A non members rate to accommodate new organisations aligning to new or existing contracts A bespoke rate for specialist procurement projects Transparency and accountability Peninsula Purchasing and Supply Alliance
Peninsula Purchasing and Supply Alliance PPSA Structure Director Clinical Care Diagnostics & Theatres Governance & Finance Corporate eProcurement
Peninsula Purchasing and Supply Alliance Clinical Care Continence home delivery Cytotoxic drugs Enteral feeds EPO homecare Medical Gases Sleep Services Pharmacy homecare Stoma sponsorship Pharmacy Pre-packs Total Parenteral Nutrition Unlicenced medicines Pharmacy wholesalers Peninsula Purchasing and Supply Alliance
Peninsula Purchasing and Supply Alliance Peninsula Purchasing and Supply Alliance Diagnostics & Theatres Automated electrophoresis Automated urine analysers Blood bank analysers Blood collection systems Blood culture Blood tracking systems Coagulation equipment Contrast media Cytogenetic send-away tests Endoscopy & Radiology consumables Haematology Analysers Human Albumin Interventional Cardiology Pacemakers & ICDs Liquid based cytology Pathology Automation MS Prepared media Minimal Access Surgery Devices Orthopaedics and peripherals Arthroscopy
Peninsula Purchasing and Supply Alliance eProcurement Corporate eSourcing systems eSpend Analysis Benchmarking services PACS & RIS Pest control Electronic Patient Records Elevator maintenance & consultancy Laundry Services Patient meals Printed stationery
Peninsula Purchasing and Supply Alliance Peninsula Purchasing and Supply Alliance Peninsula Purchasing and Supply Alliance Trusts & FTs NHS Partnerships Commercial Interest Companies Clinical Commissioning Groups (provider) NHS hubs & collaboratives eProcurement National forum Pharmacy SPM forum Pathology Network SW eEnablement User Group SW Microbiology Forum