Trends and Outlook for Federal R&D: An Overview Matt Hourihan March 27, 2013 For the NAS EPSCoR Evaluation Committee AAAS R&D Budget and Policy Program
Recent History and FY14 Current Administration: persistently strong budget requests FY14 delayed… General support for R&D remains in Congress (in principle) Rhetoric; caucus activities; interest in Golden Goose Awards and similar events; some funding outcomes EPSCoR programs / relevant offices have mostly grown NSF, DOE Science, AFRI, Defense basic research But not NIH or EPA S&T?
U.S. R&D INVESTMENT Outlook Major differences between parties in shape, role, size of govt Basic v. applied research Fiscal challenges and concerns unrelated to R&D are dragging down the discretionary ship Restrictive fiscal environment, but a bit more flexibility? COMPETES opportunities? NSF and NASA seem to be larger recent funding priorities Bottom line: growth possible, but even modest gains will be a challenge
U.S. R&D INVESTMENT For more info…