Prescribing in Practice Part 2d Prescription Writing (3)
Directions Directions should be in English and not abbreviated. Where there is more than one item on a form a line should be inserted between each item for clarity. Unused space should be blocked out with, for example a diagonal line (to prevent the fraudulent entry of other items)
Prescriber’s signature and date Legal responsibility lies with the Doctor or Nurse who signs the prescription. Additional items prescribed by a doctor must be prescribed on a Doctor’s prescription and not added to an NMP’s prescription even if countersigned by a doctor.
Serial Numbers Should be recorded by the employer before issue to the nurse. Recorded by the nurse to aid identification in the case of theft. Blank prescriptions should NEVER be pre- signed.
Nurses leaving their posts It is the employers responsibility to retrieve unused prescription pads from nurses who are leaving or retiring. These should be shredded after recording serial numbers.
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