Monroe’s Motivational Sequence 2006 © Andree’s AtticCreated by: Andree Swanson For the Persuasive Speech
A five-step process Attention Need Satisfaction Visualization Action
Step 1 -- Attention Get the attention of the audience Relate to the audience Show the importance of your topic Use a startling opening Arouse curiosity Stories, visual aids
Example – Attention Step Imagine feeling tired, lethargic, and depressed every day Now imagine waking each day feeling strong and happy You can feel this way by eating properly and reducing fast food and junk food from your life
Step 2 -- Need Establish a need for change--state it clearly Illustrate with supporting materials Relate it to values / vital concerns of audience Prime audience to listen to your solution
Example – Need Step You need to eat correctly to save your life You are at risk of High blood pressure Diabetes Obesity Shortened life
Step 3 -- Satisfaction Offer a solution to the issue Offer a plan for success Provide details
Example – Satisfaction Step You can join WeightWatchers™ You can exercise daily It will reduce your desire for junk food
Step 4 -- Visualization Intensify desire by visualizing benefits Use vivid language and imagery Show what audience will get from it Demonstrate how they will profit
Example – Visualization Step Visualize a new you…able to keep up with the children Visualize you being able to play your favorite sport Visualize being stronger by dropping the fast food and junk food
Step 5 – Action Encourage a specific call to action Explain what they need to do and how to do it Stirring appeal that reinforces commitment to act
Example – Action Step Encourage your audience to join a diet organization Challenge your audience to go one- week without eating any junk or fast food