In search of solutions… Margaret Leinen Chief Science Officer Climos, Inc.
Warming of the climate system is unequivocal, as is now evident from increases in global average air and ocean temperatures, melting of snow and ice, and rising sea level. –IPCC 4th Assessment Working Group I, Summary for Policymakers, 2007
It is very likely that anthropogenic greenhouse gas increases caused most of the observed increase in globally averaged temperatures since the mid- 20th century.
AAAS meeting featured –The science behind global climate change –The impacts of global climate change –actions that could lead to lower CO 2
The confluence of science and solutions
This next week investors come to San Francisco to meet with companies that want to develop clean technologies for the future -- the CleanTech Venture Forum
How did this confluence occur even before the dramatic results of the IPCC Assessment?
The power of public opinion
NY Times
Americans now say climate change is the country's most pressing environmental problem, according to a recent survey from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Just three years ago, it ranked only sixth on a list of 10 environmental concerns.
Wal-Mart Chief Executive Lee Scott challenged the company to open a store that was 25% more energy efficient by It opened last month. The worlds largest retailer wants to be a good steward for the environment and ultimately use only renewable energy sources and produce zero waste. As one of the largest companies in the world, with an expanding global presence, environmental problems are our problems.
Carbon neutral The world of the year in the new Oxford Dictionary adj.: emitting no net carbon dioxide into the atmosphere
Companies announcing their intention to become carbon neutral
The power of a global economic community
Many countries are participating the Kyoto Protocol. Countries from the developed world must decrease emission of carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gasses US companies that operate abroad are required to comply in those countries
State and local action
Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative (RGGI)
a cooperative effort by Northeastern and Mid- Atlantic states to reduce carbon dioxide emissions a multi-state cap-and-trade program with a market-based emissions trading system the proposed program will require electric power generators in participating states to reduce carbon dioxide emissions other sectors will be included later
What is a cap and trade system
an environmental regulator establishes a cap that limits emissions from a designated group, such as power plants, to a level lower than their current emissions The emissions allowed under the cap are then divided up into individual permits that represent the right to emit that amount Companies are free to buy and sell permits in order to continue operating in the most profitable manner available to them
a cooperative effort by Northeastern and Mid- Atlantic states to reduce carbon dioxide emissions a multi-state cap-and-trade program with a market-based emissions trading system the proposed program will require electric power generators in participating states to reduce carbon dioxide emissions other sectors will be included later
California Global Warming Solutions Act of 2006
California is the 12th largest carbon emitter in the world despite leading the nation on energy efficiency standards and its lead role in protecting the environment. Reducing greenhouse gas emissions is an issue we must show leadership on. Arnold Schwarzenegger Governor of California
What can you do? Calculate and understand your carbon footprint Reduce your use of energy Look for ways to use renewable energy Support efforts by all who encourage –Energy efficiency –Renewables –Carbon neutrality
We are responsible for the solutions… Margaret Leinen Chief Science Officer Climos, Inc.