District XXXX Presidents-elect Training Seminar 1 Session 8: Goal Setting
District XXXX Presidents-elect Training Seminar 2 Learning Objectives 1.Understand effective annual and long-range goal setting. 2.Lead club members in establishing goals. 3.Understand the importance of motivating club members to accomplish their goals. 4.Work with club leaders and members to develop or update club long-range goals that address the elements of an effective club and pursue the Object of Rotary. 5.Use the Planning Guide for Effective Rotary Clubs as a tool to work with club members to establish membership, service, club administration, leadership development, public relations, and Rotary Foundation goals for the coming year.
District XXXX Presidents-elect Training Seminar 3 Annual and Long-Range Goals Long-range goals should –Cover the next three to five Rotary years –Address the elements of an effective club and each Avenue of service to pursue the Object of Rotary –Include action steps for achieving them Annual goals should support the long-range goals.
District XXXX Presidents-elect Training Seminar 4 Effective Rotary Clubs Sustain or increase their membership base Implement successful projects that address the needs of their community and communities in other countries Support The Rotary Foundation through both program participation and financial contributions Develop leaders capable of serving in Rotary beyond the club level
District XXXX Presidents-elect Training Seminar 5 Determining Goals Assess the club’s current conditions. Brainstorm ideas. Speak with community members. Contact district leadership. Consult with other clubs. Review the Presidential Citation.
District XXXX Presidents-elect Training Seminar 6 Effective Goals Shared Measurable Challenging Achievable Time specific
District XXXX Presidents-elect Training Seminar 7 Strategies for Achieving Goals Communicate with club and district leaders. Develop action steps. Assign club members to each step of the action plan. Establish a timeline. Determine criteria for measuring progress. Use resources available from your club, district, and RI. Evaluate your progress.
District XXXX Presidents-elect Training Seminar 8 Motivators for Club Members Fellowship Networking Recognition Belief that their goal will benefit the community
District XXXX Presidents-elect Training Seminar 9 Successful Motivational Strategies What motivational strategies have been successful in your club?
District XXXX Presidents-elect Training Seminar 10 Planning Guide Use the Planning Guide for Effective Rotary Clubs as a tool to work with club members to establish membership, service, club administration, leadership development, public relations, and Rotary Foundation goals for the coming year.