Diversity Pathways to Engineering Enterprise/Workforce Omnia El-Hakim, Ph.D. Director of Diversity and Outreach NSF Directorate for Engineering June 2011 Omnia El-Hakim, Ph.D. Director of Diversity and Outreach NSF Directorate for Engineering June 2011
NSF ENG Organization Emerging Frontiers in Research and Innovation (EFRI) Sohi Rastegar Emerging Frontiers in Research and Innovation (EFRI) Sohi Rastegar Chemical, Bioengineering, Environmental, and Transport Systems (CBET) John McGrath Chemical, Bioengineering, Environmental, and Transport Systems (CBET) John McGrath Civil, Mechanical, and Manufacturing Innovation (CMMI) Steven McKnight Civil, Mechanical, and Manufacturing Innovation (CMMI) Steven McKnight Electrical, Communications, and Cyber Systems (ECCS) Robert Trew Electrical, Communications, and Cyber Systems (ECCS) Robert Trew Engineering Education and Centers (EEC) Theresa Maldonado Engineering Education and Centers (EEC) Theresa Maldonado Industrial Innovation and Partnerships (IIP) Kesh Narayanan Industrial Innovation and Partnerships (IIP) Kesh Narayanan Office of the Assistant Director Thomas Peterson, Assistant Director Cheryl Albus, Acting Deputy Assistant Director Office of the Assistant Director Thomas Peterson, Assistant Director Cheryl Albus, Acting Deputy Assistant Director Program Director for Diversity Omnia El-Hakim Program Director for Diversity Omnia El-Hakim Senior Advisor for Nanotechnology Mihail Roco Senior Advisor for Nanotechnology Mihail Roco
Directorate for Engineering4 Broadening Participation at NSF NSF committed to B.P. strategic plan via : 1. Prepared a diverse globally engaged STEM workforce. 2. Expanding efforts to B.P. from underrepresented groups and diverse institutions in all NSF activities. 3. Integrating research with education, and building capacity. 4. Improving processes to recruit and select highly qualified panels reviewers.
Directorate for Engineering5 U.S. Demographic Data ENG BS Degrees Granted Data: NSF Science & Engineering Indicators; DoEd National Center for Education Statistics
Average Participation in the Engineering Career Pipeline ( ) (percentages) (4.9X Greater) 82 (4.5X Greater) 78 (3.5X Greater) 80 (4X Greater) Females Males B.S. Masters PhD Post Doctoral Work Faculty
Average Participation in the Engineering Career Pipeline ( ) (percentages) (~13X Greater) 77 (8.5X Greater) 80 (~7X Greater) African-Americans, American Indians, Hispanics Asians and White, Non-Hispanic Persons B.S. Masters PhD Faculty Source: ASEE Profiles
Directorate for Engineering8 Census Data Year Percentage Population
Directorate for Engineering9 What Do Underrepresented groups, Women and Persons with Disabilities Bring? Talents and skills Unique experiences Invaluable research approaches Creativity and innovation Excellence in diversity Why we do not have enough women/ URM/PWD in ENG? (lack of role model, welcoming environment, mentoring, leadership, promotion and tenure, fear of unknown, lack of family and community support, K-12 culture)
ENG focused strategies for Broadening Participation: Directorate for Engineering10 Create earlier diverse pipe line engaged with ENG in the Middle Schools and High Schools to provide the support needed to pursue engineering activities. Expanding efforts to promote leadership position for faculty in their early and mid career positions. Support graduate students and Postdoc opportunities to increase the pool of diverse faculty from underrepresented groups, women, persons with disability and veterans. Integrating international research experiences.
Directorate for Engineering11 Opportunities: Broadening Participation in Engineering Broadening Participation Research Initiation Grants in Engineering (BRIGE) Research to Aid Persons with Disabilities (RAPD) CAREER and REU ERC Diversity Plan ADVANCE: Increasing the Participation and Advancement of Women in Academic Science and Engineering Careers Graduate Research Fellowships for Women Graduate Research Diversity Supplements (GRDS) Diversity Workshops (various topics of interest to focus on Broadening Participation and reaching out women, underrepresented groups, Veterans; and persons with disabilities) Programs for Native Americans
Directorate for Engineering12Directorate for Engineering12Directorate for Engineering12 Broadening Participation Research Initiation Grants in Engineering (BRIGE) Opportunity to increase the diversity of researchers through research support early in their careers Encourages support of under-represented groups, engineers at minority-serving institutions, and persons with disabilities BRIGE awardee Stephanie Luster-Teasley (L) and NC A&T students Desiree Gordon and Patrick Onochie discuss preliminary research for the development of controlled-release polymers for environmental remediation. Credit: North Carolina A&T State University.
Directorate for Engineering13 BRIGE Program For undertaking exploratory investigations, acquiring preliminary data, and/or developing collaborations. Include a plan showing how the proposed activities will increase: Participation of engineers from underrepresented groups, and The number of such individuals that serve as role models for the scientific workforce Funding for two years up to $175K Success rate is 25% for 2008, 31% for 2009, and 26% for Directorate for Engineering13
Directorate for Engineering14 BRIGE Eligibility Requirements Must be U.S. citizen or permanent resident Hold a doctoral degree in an ENG supported discipline Do not currently hold a post-doctoral appointment Have held an active full time tenure-track faculty position or equivalent research appointment for less than three years Have not previously served as PI or co-PI on research grants totaling more than $50K
Directorate for Engineering15Directorate for Engineering15 WA ID NM CO WY MT UT AZ NV CA OR DC TX IA MN ND SD NE MO OK AR LA FL MS AL TN KY OH IN IL MI WI NY GA SC NC VA WV ME HI AK PR KS BRIGE Awards PA MA Awardees None
Directorate for Engineering16
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Directorate for Engineering18 Graduate Research Diversity Supplement (GRDS) Supplement to ENG ongoing awards. Submitted by PI of an existing ENG award. Only one new Ph.D. student to be supported under each grant. Funding for 2010 $2.25 M, 41k/fellow for 60 fellows. Dear Colleague Letter and FAQs available on web site (DCL NSF ; and FAQ NSF 11-14). This year submission date was January 20 th Mentoring Plan is required.
Small Business Postdoctoral Research Diversity Fellowship Program 50 Fellowships One year duration Fellow performs research in a small business (current NSF S.B.I.R.Phase II awardee) Fellow receives $65,000 from NSF/ENG/IIP funds and $10,000 from the small business ASEE matches applications with businesses and manages the application process Website: htt p://nsfsbir.asee.org/htt p://nsfsbir.asee.org/
Directorate for Engineering20 Global Collaboration (via NSF Office of International Science and Engineering) Explore global activities and international workshops to involve women and minorities. Inform current PIs about opportunities for supplements to support international activities. International Planning Visits: travel to plan collaborative research with prospective foreign partners. International Workshops: hold meetings (Abu Dhabi, Egypt, Turkey, Barcelona) to identify common priorities and approaches for collaboration on specific, well-defined research areas.
wiresnetwork.org WIRES1 June 2009, Barcelona, Spain WIRES2 March 2011, Orlando, Florida, USA WIRES3 Athens, Greece 2012 We are looking for participants and sponsors!
International research proposals WRITTEN Research PAPERS submitted International research proposals FUNDED WIRES 2009 International Success measured 1 year after event With more success to come in WIRES3 Summer, 2012 International Partnerships: Engineering sustainable systems to deliver Energy Water Healthcare
Directorate for Engineering23 Resources Directorate of Engineering: http :// Funding Opportunities: Broadening participation Portfolio: amework-evaluating-impacts-broadening- participation-projects_1101.pdf Broadening participation Portfolio: amework-evaluating-impacts-broadening- participation-projects_1101.pdf Omnia El-Hakim Ph.D, 23