Colorado WIN Partners (c) Overview of Maturity Model Matrices (M 3 ) and Inventories Part 2 Judy Emery and Nancy Koester Colorado WIN Partners/UCD
Colorado WIN Partners (c) Objectives Provide overview of the state and local Maturity Model Inventories Review the purpose of the Inventories Review the goal of the Maturity Model Inventories Review who completes the Inventories Highlight the variability in state and local profiles and answers
Colorado WIN Partners (c) 2009 Objectives Cont’d Demonstrate how the focus areas can be broken down further among each variable Highlight the color coded bands for the phases Highlight how the profiles assist with strategic planning
Colorado WIN Partners (c) State and Local Inventories Tools to assess the level of implementation of the DPN Initiative
Colorado WIN Partners (c) Goal of the Maturity Model Inventory Identify the phase of implementation of the DPN Initiative as defined by the key areas in the Maturity Model Matrix Educate partners about the growth of the program Orient new staff Provide policy direction Identify priorities for technical assistance.
Colorado WIN Partners (c) State Level Inventory The state inventory is designed to be completed by the state leaders such as DPN State Lead State identified technical assistance and training entity Leaders from your state’s system that oversee the DPN Initiative Leaders from the One-Stop system
Colorado WIN Partners (c) Local Level Inventory The local level inventory is designed to be completed by DPN Staff at the One-Stop Career Center Community based agencies and partners
Colorado WIN Partners (c) State and Local Inventories Local - Four sections match matrix Expertise Accessibility Problem-Solving Sphere of Influence State – Additional focus area State Structure
Colorado WIN Partners (c) 2009
What’s Next Submit Inventories electronically or in hard copy Indicate if being completed by one individual or group Profile completed and sent Volunteers to participate in smaller work group for feedback and refinement
Colorado WIN Partners (c) Thank You! Contact Information: Judy Emery –(303) Nancy Koester –(303)