Marketing, MK U 12, p 64 → MK p 64: Lead-in
Selling vs. Marketing Focus on: PRODUCT vs. CONSUMER –selling... –inward looking... –out-dated... –shorter... –about profit now… –introverted…
Selling vs. Marketing Focus on: PRODUCT vs. CONSUMER –sellingbuying –inward looking outward looking –out-datedstate-of-the-art –shorter longer time horizon –about profit nowabout profit later –introvertedextroverted
The selling & marketing concepts The “selling concept”: –You sell what you ________. The “marketing concept”: –You make what ______________. Marketers __________ needs, __________ and __________ new ones. Examples of new “needs”:
The selling & marketing concepts The “selling concept”: –You sell what you make. The “marketing concept”: –You make what will be bought. Marketers satisfy needs, anticipate and create new ones. Examples of new “needs”: –Walkman, video recorders, CD players, PCs, Internet, Google, mountain bikes, Facebook...
Marketing activities I Identify/anticipate needs/wants of target consumers (market research): –internal research –secondary data –focus group interviews –quest. research –sales staff... Analyze data → Go to p 63 to read about market research methods
Marketing activities I II Identify/anticipate needs/wants of target consumers (market research): –internal research –secondary data –focus group interviews –quest. research –sales staff... Analyze data Satisfy the needs better than the competition – strategic decisions about: –product (design) –pricing –promotion –distribution (placement)
product (d_si_ _, qu _ _ity, features, style, b_ _ _d name, size, pa_ _ aging, services and guar_ _ tee)
product (design, quality, features, style, brand name, size, packaging, services and guarantee)
pricing (basic list price, dis_ _ _nts, length of the pa_ _ent period, cr_ _ it terms...)
product (design, quality, features, style, brand name, size, packaging, services and guarantee) pricing (basic list price, discounts, length of the payment period, credit terms...)
product (design, quality, features, style, brand name, size, packaging, services and guarantee) pricing (basic list price, discounts, length of the payment period, credit terms...) place (distr _ _ution channels, locations of p_ _ nts of sale, tran _ _ort, in_ _ntory size...)
product (design, quality, features, style, brand name, size, packaging, services and guarantee) pricing (basic list price, discounts, length of the payment period, credit terms...) place (distribution channels, locations of points of sale, transport, inventory size...)
product (design, quality, features, style, brand name, size, packaging, services and guarantee) pricing (basic list price, discounts, length of the payment period, credit terms...) place (distribution channels, locations of points of sale, transport, inventory size...) promotion (ad_ _ _ _ising, pub_ _ _ity, sales pro_ _tion and per_ _nal selling)
Elements of the marketing programme (integration and the cost of it?) product (design, quality, features, style, brand name, size, packaging, services and guarantee) pricing (basic list price, discounts, length of the payment period, credit terms...) place (distribution channels, locations of points of sale, transport, inventory size...) promotion (advertising, publicity, sales promotion and personal selling)
The Marketing Mix (The Four P’s) product (design, quality, features, style, brand name, size, packaging, services and guarantee) pricing (basic list price, discounts, length of the payment period, credit terms...) place (distribution channels, locations of points of sale, transport, inventory size...) promotion (advertising, publicity, sales promotion and personal selling) → MK, p 64, Vocabulary
HW MK, p 64 - Vocabulary RB, p 71-72: (1) Read: The Centrality of Marketing (2) Do tasks I and II RB, p 101: (3) Write a letter of complaint. Use task 11 or 12 from p 105 as your starting point.