NSF Division of Graduate Education Graduate STEM Fellows in K-12 Education Preparing Tomorrows Scientists and Engineers For the Challenges of the 21 st Century
Program Goals Graduate Students Communication, Leadership, Team building K-12 Education Enhanced Teaching and Learning Higher Education Transform Graduate Programs Graduate Stem Fellows in K-12 Education (GK-12)
Annual Budget $55+ Million GK-12 has made 276 awards at 144 institutions. Funded 5,623 Graduate Fellows. Provided resources for 9,473 K-12 Teachers, working in 4,732 different schools. 687,594 K-12 Students have been impacted by GK- 12. Graduate Stem Fellows in K-12 Education (GK-12) Ten Year Numbers
Graduate Stem Fellows in K-12 Education (GK-12) GK-12 Projects: National Distribution
Funding Amount Graduate Stem Fellows in K-12 Education (GK-12) $600,000 (Per Year, for 5 Years) Graduate Students $30,000 Stipend $10,500 Cost of Education External Project Evaluator Up to 2.5% of total Direct Costs K-12 Teachers Indirect Costs 8% of total direct costs $5,000 stipend >=70% Participant Support (including travel)
Budget Breakdown Graduate Stem Fellows in K-12 Education (GK-12) FY10 Anticipated Contributions (in Millions) DGE M (86%) ENG M (6%) MPS M (5%) BIO M (2%) GEO M (0.6%) CISE M (0.3%) SBE M (0.1%) Total GK-12 Budget M *Additional contributions from EPSCoR, OISE, OCI
Types of Institutions Institutions Receiving Awards Location of K-12 Schools K-12 grade levels Graduate Stem Fellows in K-12 Education (GK-12) PercentNumber Percent
NSF Supported STEM Disciplines Graduate Stem Fellows in K-12 Education (GK-12) Number of Fellows in Specific Disciplines (2008) n = 865
Eligibility Lead academic institution must be in the United States or its territories and grant masters or doctoral degrees in STEM disciplines supported by the NSF Principal Investigator(PI) must be a STEM discipline faculty member actively conducting STEM research at lead institution One proposal may be submitted per institution Institutions having an active or past GK-12 project are eligible, but must coordinate evaluation efforts; Must be a new proposal, clarify what are the differences between the new and existing or past ones Graduate Stem Fellows in K-12 Education (GK-12)
Application Cycle Graduate Stem Fellows in K-12 Education (GK-12) New Solicitation Released February/March Letters of Intent Due Late May Full Proposal Due Later June Panel Review Mid August New Awards made December/January
Graduate Stem Fellows in K-12 Education (GK-12) International Supplement Supplements to current project Support to Graduate Students and/or teachers (only U.S. participants) May request up to $100,000 for international component
Fellows Perspective Graduate Stem Fellows in K-12 Education (GK-12)
GK-12 Website