Geoff Hammond Head of Revenue Assurance
Agenda Interconnect – CRAB the start Current Wholesale Revenue Assurance Focus PPC current position PPC Radial Distance Hanif Lalani – Message Revenue Assurance Strategy
The Problem:- Interconnect (24 Months ago) Inventory issues on circuits & features –Relied on Provision data to provide the billing checks –Route & circuit alignment ie No common key Incomplete data passed to billing –Required extensive manual validation before billing –Customers challenged bills
Problem Summary
How Did We Solve This ? Prove Live Inventory Compare to Orders Compare to Billing Circuit Revenue Assurance Board - CRABCircuit Revenue Assurance Board - CRAB What was actually there?What was actually there? What should be there?What should be there? What are we billing for?What are we billing for? System & Process to maintain resultsSystem & Process to maintain results All based on ONE TRUTH DATABASE
OTDB Customer Count
Results – Interconnect (12 months on) Customers now being billed More accurately Bills produced on time Orders easier to deliver as data is right Spare network capacity released Customer satisfaction improving
BT Wholesale RA Focus – March 05 Broadband - BBDQM –IP Stream –Data stream –SDSL Mobile Retail Private Circuits Partial Private Circuits
Partial Private Circuits -Today Enabled a team to focus on PPC Circuits (6 months) Now have a Prototype “One Truth” data base (OTDB) Web Based OTDB – in User Acceptance Testing Circuit Inventory now Proved to 99.6% –Circuit Data aligned in 6 key operational systems Remaining 0.4% to Resolve –Timing issues –Some cleanse to do Now working on the PPC Circuit Attributes –Radial Distance ( Nov 04)
PPC Radial Distance - Issues Migration of RPC to PPC –Migration Tool had a rounding error –didn't always pick the correct serving exch –Issue with grid references – leading 0 Introduction of Tier One Pricing –B end Post codes missing or inaccurate Errors in data feeds used by the TODD tool. –The odd 1141 codes duplicated or transposed. –Missing post codes in our Customer Service System –Customer Management Center process Inconsistent Trunk and Terminating field layout
PPC Radial Distance - Issues Bill Validation Its very complicated No Clear written Industry Process Missing post codes in the Exchange Name Postcode file. Customers using OLD Post Office Address File (PAF) Customers not able to provide or validate their own B ends
PPC Radial Distance – Moving Forward Clear written Industry Process issued –True Serving Exch – Exchange Name Postcode file. –Nearest Serving Exch –Supplementary Post Code List –Grid Reference – centered- current Post Office Address File –Matching Point of Handover (PoH)- grandfathered PDH RPC/ PPC Migration tool being Fixed Asking Customers to validate B end Post codes TODD - Data feeds being corrected Provision System being corrected - Screens Improving Training in Customer Management Centres “One Truth” tool modification to hold the gains
PPC Radial Distance – Next Steps CRAB Validation Now Complete Pilot –Send sample of changes to each Customer –Each Customer then to Validate the sample and agree –BT will then Update its systems Remaining –Send all remaining changes to each Customer –Each Customer then to Validate and agree –BT will then Update its systems Billing Corrections –Readjusting back to when tier 1 pricing was introduced. Your Help Needed to :- –validate and agree to the changes –provide correct B end Post codes
A word from our New Group CFO Hanif Lalani OBE
Questions Geoff Hammond Head of Revenue Assurance