11 Promoting Youth Employment – PYE Krapina Zagorje County Experience Bruxelles, Promoting Youth Employment
Bruxelles km Munich – 530 km Milan – 650 km Bratislava – 390 km Bruxelles km Wienna – 330 km Budapest – 340 km Ljubljana – 160 km General data I Promoting Youth Employment2
surface: km² 7 cities and 25 municipalities inhabitants (2001) Most important economic sectors: processing industry (metal processing, manufacture of non- metal mineral raw materials, manufacture of textile and textile products), trade, transport Centralized labour legislation, educational curricula, monetary and fiscal policies Decentralized authority in education, health, spatial and urban planning, economic development, transport General data II Promoting Youth Employment3
Unified national educational system 9 secondary schools 2 faculties 2 business schools Open universities and private schools (more than 30 programmes) Education Promoting Youth Employment4
Unemployment rate: 18,2 % 43,1% long term unemployed YOUTH, age Youth unemployment: 35,4% (2.821) of total unemployed persons 22,4% of young unemployed are long term unemployed 36,2% of young uneployed have no work experience 76,9% of young uneployed have secondary education Unemployment Promoting Youth Employment5
The Network of Youth Associations The County Youth Council Network of educational institutions Croatian Employment Service Important documentation: –Krapina Zagorje County Development Strategy, –Krapina Zagorje County Youth Action Plan, –Krapina Zagorje County Human Resources Development Strategy, –Krapina Zagorje County Action Plan for persons with disabilities. Supporting Youth Promoting Youth Employment6
HOMER Implemented project with the aim to minimize the skills mismatch by linking education and labour market, ensuring employability of young people and promoting entrepreneurial activities at schools. POM Project currently implemented for young unemployed people up to 30 years of age for developing their entrepreneurial skills and increase self-employment possibilities. Youth contact points were established at CES Best practice I Promoting Youth Employment7
PARTNERSHIP FOR DEVELOPMENT Implemented project with the aim to minimize the skills mismatch through developed Model for detecting deficitary occupations. UNLIMITED Implemented project for increasing the employability of persons with disabilities and to rise awareness of employers. Tailor made workshops and trainings were held: motivational, how to present myself, basic and advanced IT course, web design, pottery design, traditional crafts. Best practice II Promoting Youth Employment8
LAW ON ENHANCING EMPLOYMENT Ministry of Labour and pension system has issued a new law with the aim of increasing employability through ensuring that young unemployed people can gain needed skills and working experience (Volunteering). Best practice III Promoting Youth Employment9
Strengths: Inter-institutional cooperation Youth related strategies and documents Involvement in EU projects Weaknesses: Communication and cooperation with national level Skills mismatch Brain drain Transport infrastructure - mobility Peer review Promoting Youth Employment10
Understandable, feasible, budgeted, achievable Implemented through the partnership approach Divided: –Short term activities ( ) –Long term activities ( ) KZC Youth Action Plan (YAP) Promoting Youth Employment11
Thank you for your attention! Karolina Barilar Zagorje Development Agency Promoting Youth Employment12