Wyoming Pipeline Authority September Meeting, Jackson Hole Ted Murphy – Acting Field Manager – Rock Springs Field Office
September 23, Directors Commitments To – Not unduly restrict access to the public lands for energy exploration and development; – Reinforce our obligation to monitor and adaptively manage public lands and resources; – Outline a strategy for integrating the EPCA inventory into use authorizations.
September 23, Working with the BLM Focus Areas Yesterday and Today Constraints to development Streamlining What can you do to help
September 23, Yesterday and Today Same Resources Similar on the ground specialists Increased scrutiny Decreasing or flat budgets
September 23, Constraints to Development Its all in the location Heightened awareness and appreciation for resource values and habitat that we manage Development of Environmentally sound NEPA documents – Limit litigation Limited development windows Resources - People
September 23, Streamlining Energy Policy and Conservation Act Amendments of 2000 (EPCA) – Directed Sec of Interior, in consultation with Sec’s of Agriculture and Energy, to conduct an inventory of oil and gas resources beneath Federal lands – Following September 11, 2001, Congress provided its sense of priority for this study,” … in light of recent attacks on the united States that have underscored the potential for disruptions to America's energy supply, the managers believe this project should be considered a top priority for the Department.”
September 23, Streamlining – May 2001, President Bush’s National Energy Policy directed that the EPCA inventory be expedited and that constraints to federal oil and gas leasing be reassessed and modified “where opportunities exist (consistent with law, good environmental practice, and balanced use of other resources).”
September 23, Streamlining Scientific Inventory of Onshore Federal Lands’ Oil and Gas Resources and Reserves and the Extent and Nature of Restrictions or Impediments to their Development ( or ) EPCA for Paradox/San Juan, Uinta/Piceance, Greater Green River, and Powder River Basins and the Montana Thrust Belt completed January 2003
September 23, Streamlining Integration into Land Use Planning and Use Authorizations – Promote an adaptive process for monitoring and implementing lease stipulations and use authorization COAs to ensure stipulations and COA’s are both necessary and effective – Improve internal communications, policy awareness, and promote enhance communications with our stakeholders and partners; and
September 23, Streamlining Apply the EPCA inventory results to create a more effective use authorization process. 21 Time Sensitive Plans IM , July 28, focus on initial efforts to incorporate EPCA findings into Oil & Gas Exploration and Development permitting. IM , July 28, established direction, consistent with FLPMA, to enhance our ability to protect the environment and other resources, as well as facilitate energy development where appropriate, incorporating EPCA findings into BLM Land Use Plans.
September 23, Streamlining Review of barriers or issues on cultural clearances and consultations, real or perceived. EPCA Workshop Determinations on how best to incorporate the EPCA findings into land use plans by December 31, 2003 in focus areas and June 30, 2004 in the rest of EPCA Basins
September 23, Streamlining Governor project initiative on streamlining and strengthening Wyoming's oil and gas permitting in the state. RMEC focus on global, non-project specific ways to expedite/streamline energy development.
September 23, What can you do to help REMEMBER TO PLAN AHEAD – arrange for your preapplication meeting well in advance of when you would like to start work on the project. Processing time for an average grant is 60 to 90 days. However, grants for complex projects can take much longer. – Anticipate the level of controversy for your project and plan accordingly. QUALITY NEPA DOCUMENTS ARE CRUCIAL
September 23, Lastly Let us know how we are doing.
September 23, Thank you for your attention