ReCaREDD Project F. Achard, R. Beuchle, S. Carboni, H. Eva, R. Grecchi, A. Langner, A. Marelli, D. Simonetti, H-J Stibig, A. Verheggen Institute for Environment.


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Presentation transcript:

ReCaREDD Project F. Achard, R. Beuchle, S. Carboni, H. Eva, R. Grecchi, A. Langner, A. Marelli, D. Simonetti, H-J Stibig, A. Verheggen Institute for Environment and Sustainability European Commission - Joint Research Centre Strengthening national and regional capacities for reporting on the mitigation actions of the forest sector

….European Commission's in-house science service…... to provide EU policies with independent, evidence-based scientific and technical support throughout the whole policy cycle….. Working in close cooperation with policy Directorates-General, the JRC addresses key societal challenges while stimulating innovation through developing new methods, tools and standards, and sharing its know-how with the Member States, the scientific community and international partners. Mission of the Joint Research Centre (JRC)

JRC 7 Institutes in 5 Member States ~ 3000 staff

ReCaREDD EU-project launched by the Directorate General- Development & Cooperation (DEVCO) implemented by the JRC in collaboration with partner institutions in the tropical regions total budget ~5 Mio Euro

 developing/testing new Remote Sensing methodologies for monitoring of forest degradation in the tropics  contribute to capacity building in tropical countries for reporting on mitigation actions in the forest sector (REDD+) Main Objectives  developing specific software tools (open software development) complementary to ongoing country activities collaborating with institutions / projects in the region

 support RS based forest degradation monitoring at local or national scale  support establishing reference levels  collaboration / involvement of partner institutions in research and testing  organize regional/national Technical Workshops and Training (in the region or at the JRC) Other Objectives

Geographical Areas focus on Africa, selected studies in S-America and SE-Asia = ‘Focus Countries’ - active research sites = ‘Associated Countries’

ReCaREDD in SE-Asia Focus on continental SE-Asia (Lower Mekong basin)  CAMBODIA: Department of Forestry and Community Forestry (FA)  LAOS FIPD- Forest Inventory And Planning Division (DoF/MAF) NOUL- National University of Laos Research Division, Faculty of Forestry  VIETNAM FIPI – Forest Inventory and Planning Institute FIPD NOUL Vientiane FIPI Hanoi FA – Phnom Penh

ReCaREDD in SE-Asia  ‘ Focus Countries’ active work in test sites  ‘ Associated countries’ (other interested countries of the region) sharing of methods, tools & results invitations to regional workshops or technical meetings support for accessing satellite imagery SENTINEL collaboration on specific issues Bac Kan Kampong Thom Bolikhamsai Central Highlands Salavan

 main focus on national & regional-scale monitoring - medium-resolution satellite imagery 30m-10m  test plots for local-scale monitoring - high-res imagery 5m-≤1m Scale  flexible approaches, most appropriate choice: automated (pixel or segment based) visual methods Methods

LANDSAT 8SENTINEL-2 activelaunch: June 2015 Repeat cycle16 days 10 – 5* days * in 2017 with S2a & S2b Swath width185 km290 km Spectral bands713 Spatial resolution30 (60) m10 (20, 60)m Looking forward for intense use of expected ‘Sentinel-2’ (10m) data

 Feasibility study on a ‘regional forest observatory’ holding REDD+ related forest information -types, drivers of degradation… -maps -methodologies and tools for monitoring -inventory data, allometric data… -info on existing projects and outputs -etc….  Open call for tender to be launched Regional Forest Observatories