Ethics/Legal 6.03 Evaluate ethical and professional standards in a health care setting.
Ethics Set of principles relating to what is morally right or wrong Provide a standard of conduct or code of behavior Allows people to analyze information and make decision on what people believe is right/good conduct.
Ethical Dilemma A situation in which it is not easy to decide what is right or wrong based on circumstances. Created by modern health care Addressed by ethical boards Common factor for health care providers
Examples of ethical dilemmas Euthanasia (assisted death) HIV/AIDS identification Abortion/research Life support Refusal of parents for life saving measures for children based on religion Organ transplant Animal research Genetic research Cloning Drugs??? Legal or not ???
Ethical code Codes differ slightly but most contain the same basic principles: Saving of life and promotion of health above all else. Preserve life when possible and keep pt. as comfortable as possible. Respect pt.’s right to die peacefully and with dignity in respect to family and advance directives. Treat everyone equally Provide care to the best of your ability to all individuals.
Ethical code 6. Maintain a competent level of skill consistent with your job. 7. Stay informed and up to date and pursue CEUs as necessary.
Confidentiality Information must remain private and can only be shared with other members of the patient’s health care team.
Patients’ Rights The factors of care that pt.’s can expect to receive. All personnel must respect and honor these rights. Written policies in health care agencies Patients Bill of Rights (American Hospital Association) pg. 123
Long Term Care OBRA (Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act) 1987 All facilities must inform residents/guardians of these rights and they must be posted. Residents Bill of Rights pg. 124
Quality Care Health care workers can face job loss, fines and imprisonment if they do not grant or follow pt.’s/residents’ rights. By following the rights this ensures the pt.’s safety, privacy, and well-being and provides quality care at all times.
Advance Directives Legal directives Legal document that allow people to state what medical tx they want or don’t want in the event that they become incapacitated and are unable to express their wishes regarding their medical care. Two main types Living will Durable Power of Attorney
Living Wills Legal document that allow individuals to state what measures should or shouldn’t be taken to prolong life in terminal situations. Must be signed when individual is competent and witnessed by 2 adults who can’t benefit from the death. DNR
Durable Power of Attorney (POA) Document that permits an individual to appoint another person to make any decisions regarding health care if they aren’t capable to. Can be given to any qualified adult Must be signed by the principal, agent, and 1-2 adult witnesses.
Patient Self Determination Act (PSDA) 1990 Ensures that pt.’s are informed of their rights and have the opportunity to determine the care they will receive.
Professional Standards Perform procedures you are trained and legally permitted Follow step-by-step methods for tasks Obtain proper identification authorization Observe all safety precautions Confidential information
Professional Standards Think before you speak Treat all patients equally Accept no bribes or tips Report and error or mistake immediately Behave professionally in dress, language, manners, and actions
Learning is the key. Is your keyhole accessible?