1 Report of the GCOS Space Rapporteur to AOPC-20
2 Contents Context/background of CEOS/CGMS Climate Working Group CEOS/CGMS Climate Working Group activities since TOPC-16 Outcomes of CEOS Plenary in Oct 2014 Next meeting of CEOS/CGMS Climate Working Group: March 2015 Review of Cross-Cutting Actions from 2011 Satellite Supplement
3 CEOS/CGMS Climate WG - Background New Joint WG formed in November Extensive re-use of the arrangements and focus of the predecessor CEOS Climate WG -ToRs slightly re-worked to clarify the 3 over-arching objectives (reference point is the set of GCOS ECV requirements): o Providing a comprehensive and accessible view as to what Climate Data Records are currently available o Making best use of currently available data by delivering additional Climate Data Records (e.g. by identifying and targeting cross-calibration or re-processing gaps/shortfalls) o Optimising the planning of future satellite missions and constellations to expand existing and planned Climate Data Records, in terms of both coverage and record length
4 CEOS/CGMS Climate WG - Background Participation: -Europe: JRC, ESA, EUMETSAT, ASI, CNES, DLR -Americas: NOAA, NASA, USGS -Asia: CMA, JAXA, JMA, KMA -WMO -Chaired by: John Bates (NOAA) until November 2015 then Pascal Lecomte (ESA)
5 CEOS/CGMS Climate WG - Background Framework for addressing the 3 overarching objectives
6 CEOS/CGMS Climate WG - Background ECV Inventory ECV-Inventory.com
7 CEOS/CGMS Climate WG - Background The 3 main objectives of the WG are achieved through a recursive process ① Collect information about holdings of ECV-relevant climate data records (current and future planning) from Space Agencies and embed in ECV Inventory ② Check climate data record entries by Space Agencies (e.g. consistency and completeness) ③ Define reference gap analysis process to be applied to records and procure/develop associated tools ④ Perform gap analysis on “current” and “future” components of the ECV Inventory ⑤ Generate coordinated action plan to address identified gaps/improvement opportunities ⑥ Repeat steps 1 to 5 typically every 2 years Version 1 Delivery Planning: Inventory + Gap Analysis (Q4 2014) and Coordinated Action Plan (Q1 2015)
8 CEOS/CGMS Climate WG – Recent Activities ECV Inventory Development: Assessment of the completeness and consistency of the ECV Inventory Record entries (step 2 of the recursive process) – ongoing Development of the reference gap analysis process to be applied to the inventory (step 3 of the recursive process) - ongoing European initiative (coordinated between EC, ECMWF, ESA and EUMETSAT) to add dedicated resources to give more impetus to the development of the ECV inventory – new resource expected to be available mid-2015
9 CEOS/CGMS Climate WG & OSCAR... Non-overlapping Activities wrt CEOS/CGMS Climate WG: Entry of GCOS Requirements into OSCAR Rolling Review of GCOS Requirements Potential Duplication wrt CEOS/CGMS Climate WG: Gap Analysis/Assessment of Degree of compliance with GCOS Requirements Development of coordinated Action Plan to address gaps and shortfalls (roughly equivalent to WMO Statement of Guidance) If GCOS plans to use OSCAR for Gap Analysis/SoG, it would be appropriate to inform Space Agencies sooner rather than later Particularly as a new long-term, full-time resource is about to be procured specifically to support the Gap Analysis and generation of an Action Plan
CEOS Plenary …. Endorsed proposed approach for the implementation of the CEOS Carbon Strategy, involving the CEOS SIT Chair in an overall coordination role and for the implementation of some actions, and VCs and WGs for the implementation of specific actions Decided that the main outcomes of the 2014 Climate Symposium in Darmstadt will be made available to the Scientific Conference preceding COP-21: "Our Common Future under Climate Change" planned for July 2015http:// The GEOSS Water Strategy was confirmed as a relevant guidance document for CEOS activities and it was decided to establish an Initial Study Team to define the potential CEOS contribution to the implementation of the Strategy.
11 2 nd Meeting of CEOS/CGMS Climate WG: March 2015 – Main Agenda Items International Coordination Climate Monitoring Architecture, Climate Services, Applications and Decision Support Preparation and Coordination for COP-21/SBSTA-43 ECV Inventory Assessment and Gap Analysis Coordination with other Bodies – Standards, Formats and Accessibility + Planning for new GCOS IP, proposal for WG website….
12 Status Of Cross-Cutting Actions in 2011 Satellite Supplement The ECV Inventory embeds the GCMP requirements, and the information requested from space agencies includes compliance with these requirements. Any shortfalls in compliance will be detected as part of the gap analysis process and any needs for improvement detected will be addressed as part of a coordinated action plan. Implementation responsibilities are also addressed in the ECV Inventory
13 Status Of Cross-Cutting Actions in Satellite Supplement Related requests to data providers/custodians for populating the ECV Inventory fields (which will be subject to a gap analysis/action planning): -“Which organisational entity is responsible for calibrating and inter-calibrating the observations?” -“Please provide the link to the document describing all the steps taken in the generation of FCDRs and TCDRs, including algorithms used, on-board calibration, specific FCDRs used, version management system used and characteristics and outcomes of validation activities” -“Against which satellite/instrument combination has the dataset been inter- calibrated?” -“Please provide the link to the document describing the compliance status of the TCDR with the GCOS requirements”
14 Status Of Cross-Cutting Actions in Satellite Supplement Not addressed within the CEOS-CGMS Climate WG – WIS?
15 Status Of Cross-Cutting Actions in Satellite Supplement GCOS Satellite Supplement (in the Domain-specific sections) identifies requirements at the TCDR level ECV inventory responds to these requirements, with the specific attributes/characteristics of each record (for both FCDRs and TCDRs) - rather than establishing specifications
16 Status Of Cross-Cutting Actions in Satellite Supplement C.4.1: FCDRs used for ECV generation are described in the ECV Inventory C.4.2: Reprocessing is described in the logical architecture – there is no explicit field addressing re-processing in the ECV Inventory and this could be considered (e.g. availability and implementation of a re-processing strategy?)
17 Status Of Cross-Cutting Actions in Satellite Supplement C.4.3: Similar to response to C.4.2 C.4.4 & C.4.5: Sustainability/Planning of the ECV generation process is mainly addressed in the Future Planning component of the ECV Inventory (there are 2 ECV Inventory components: one relates to existing ECVs, and the other to the planning for future ECVs)
18 Status Of Cross-Cutting Actions in Satellite Supplement The CEOS/CGMS Climate WG contains both R&D and Operational agencies ……?