MSJC Assessment Scores FA’06 as Baseline and includes SP’07/FA’07/SP’08 Updated 7/22/08 Compiled by MSJC R&D Dept.- C. Hawkins / IT MIS WO# XBRO.BSI
CCC Operational Definitions Success rate = # of “A, B, C and CR” grades divided by (the # of all grades) “A, B, C, CR, D, F, NC, I and W” grades multiplied by 100 Retention rate = # of “A, B, C, CR, D, F, NC and I ” grades divided by (the # of all grades) “A, B, C, CR, D, F, NC, I and W” grades multiplied by 100 Persistence rate = # of students in a particular fall semester who were counted as a student the following fall semester, divided by the total # of students in the initial fall semester, multiplied by 100 Repetition rate = # of students who earned (a non-successful grade) “D, F, NC, I or W” who subsequently re-enrolled in the same course multiplied by 100 Development Educational = DEV = course section # < 100* aka ‘below college level’ courses 1 FTES = 15 contact hr/wk x 17.5 wk/semester x 2 semesters = 525 contact hr Source: Basic Skills as a Foundation for Student in California Community Colleges (CCC) - Assessment Tool for Best Practices in Basic Skills – p103 *MSJC definition of DEV MSJCD R&P Dept. XCJH
1 St Time MSJC Students Total # Assessed 2,830 1,701 3,580 1,333 On average, 3 out of 4 (76%) of 1st time students were assessed each semester ranging from a low of 3 out of 5 in SP’08 to a high of 8.5 out of 10 (85%) in FA’07. On average, 3 out of 4 (76%) of 1st time students were assessed each semester ranging from a low of 3 out of 5 in SP’08 to a high of 8.5 out of 10 (85%) in FA’07. Source: MSJC- IT MIS DataTel WO# XBRO.BSI.Report
MSJC - Students % Assessed into DEV Total # Assessed into DEV: 2,725 1,650 3,276 1,299 On average, 95% of all 1st time students that were assessed, assess into a DEV courses, ‘below college level’ course (course sections #s < 100) Q1 Baseline Source: MSJC- IT MIS DataTel WO# XBRO.BSI.Report
MSJC - Students % Assessed Below College Level Source: MSJC- IT MIS DataTel WO# XBRO.BSI.Report The % of students assessed in Developmental Educational (DEV) English and math courses have remained relatively constant from the FA’06 baseline of 87% and 93%, respectively. The % of students assessed in Developmental Educational (DEV) English and math courses have remained relatively constant from the FA’06 baseline of 87% and 93%, respectively. English 98 or below Baseline Math 96 or below Q1a
MSJC - Students % Assessed Pre-collegiate Basic Skills 1 level below college level The percentage of students assessed in pre-collegiate Basic Skills English and math decreased from the FA’06 baselines of 38% and 30%, respectfully. The percentage of students assessed in pre-collegiate Basic Skills English and math decreased from the FA’06 baselines of 38% and 30%, respectfully. English 98 Baseline Math 96 Source: MSJC- IT MIS DataTel WO# XBRO.BSI.Report Q1b
MSJC - Students % Assessed Below Pre-collegiate Level Source: MSJC- IT MIS DataTel WO# XBRO.BSI.Report The % of students assessed in Developmental Educational English courses below pre- collegiate level increased considerable from the FA’06 baselines of 49%. Math remained relatively unchanged. The % of students assessed in Developmental Educational English courses below pre- collegiate level increased considerable from the FA’06 baselines of 49%. Math remained relatively unchanged. English 62 or below Baseline Math 90 or below Q1c
MSJC - Course Sections English & Math # DEV Sections Baseline Baseline The baseline of DEV English sections has increase from 98 (46% of total sections) to 113 (50%). The baseline of DEV math sections, 115 is also up slightly but accounts for a smaller % of total sections (74% in FA06 vs. 71% in SP08). E n g l i s h M a t h Source: MSJC- IT MIS DataTel WO# XBRO.BSI.Report Q2a Q3a