Using ICT to improve educational achievement at Kingston College … a vision for change Andrew Williams Director ILT Support and Development Kingston College
2 Using ICT to improve educational achievement The Kingston College experience Medium-sized learning provider Period of reinvention Cautious adopter of ILT and e- learning JISC Pre-inspection ILT Health- check Strengths Management culture… Innovation Delivery models VLE development ILT Coordinators Time for staff LRC support Weaknesses Management culture… Fragmented development Classroom ICT Staff facilities Basic IT training System integration
3 Using ICT to improve educational achievement Challenges in ILT management ChangeAction PlanResourcesIncentivesSkillsVision = ConfusionAction PlanResourcesIncentivesSkills +++ = +++ Anxiety Action PlanResourcesIncentivesVision = Resistance Action PlanResourcesSkillsVision + ++ = FrustrationAction PlanIncentivesSkillsVision + ++ = TreadmillResourcesIncentivesSkillsVision + ++ = Kingston!Action PlanResourcesIncentivesSkillsVision =
4 Using ICT to improve educational achievement Response New ILT Strategy SMT and governor backing for ILT expansion New ILT Support and Development Division IT Systems Learning Information Services E-Learning Hosting & delivery: servers and infrastructure to host and deliver e-services E-Services: Information, learning materials, data, transaction and communication Access: Devices and environments to access e-services Application: Use of e-services for teaching, learning and management Development plans being assembled Information environment Network development Access to ILT E-supported teaching & learning
5 Using ICT to improve educational achievement Vision Technology will lie at the heart of learning, learning support, teaching, assessment, administration and management at Kingston College Ubiquitous network access for all college members Reconfigured learning spaces to maximise the benefits of ILT Equip staff with technology, awareness and skills to effectively integrate e-learning in the curriculum ILT an indispensable component of every programme of study Regional leader in distance learning provision Powerful and engaging online personalised portal for integrated access to relevant information, learning and communication tools
6 Using ICT to improve educational achievement Improving educational achievement with ICT Issues Information processes Student success rates Curriculum flexibility Teaching and learning Communication methods Financial stability External competition ObjectivesPlanned outcomes System integration Optimised utilisation of learning technology Integrated network Effective adoption of e-learning Professional development programme Personalised online portal Centralised procurement Business partnerships Management structure for partnership Improved overall success rates Raised professional qualification profile Improved customer satisfaction ratings Reduced dependency on LSC income High quality learning environment Reduced admin burden