Refresh Meeting “Learning Powered by Technology”
Refresh Goals Replace aging technology (mostly computers) with newer technology to allow teachers, administrators and students to complete required tasks and integrate technology into the curriculum Increase the level of technology integration through the use of new technology
Create a Detailed Computer Inventory Include ALL computers Use fixed assets as a guide to find all computers and be sure everything is correct Use template provided by Instructional Technology Decide the fate of the computer (move, excess, re-purpose). Consult technicians as needed Computers below 260 need to be excessed July 31, 2012
Inventory Considerations Excess models 240 and below Check purchase date for 260s Remember: 170Ls are newer models Consider re-purposing newer models Admin to Teacher or Student Teacher to Student Student to Student (new location) Only one computer per classroom (laptop with docking station) will be designated as “Teacher”
Ask for Help! Contact your Instructional Technology Representative for technology planning help.
Develop or Update Tech Plan Assemble the Technology Committee that represents ALL stakeholders – Administrators – Media Specialist – Instructional Coach – Title One Facilitator – Fixed Asset Coordinator – Faculty Representatives by Grade Level/Department – Parents/Students DUE May 31, 2012
Include ALL Required Dimensions Learners and their Environment – Focus on how the STUDENTS will use technology Professional Capacity – Focus on what Professional Development will be needed to keep moving staff forward Instructional Capacity – Focus on how the TEACHER will use technology for instruction
Complete Snapshot of Current Use Showcase your school!! Should give an accurate description of what your school is currently doing with technology
Define your Goals & Objectives Sample
Focus on goals and future use Technology plan and goals should focus on where you want the staff to move and how to get there Be sure to have a plan for ALL technology, not just the technology received for refresh Make the plan easy to read so that any teacher/staff member can understand the expectations
Professional Development is Key ALL refresh computers come with Windows 7 and Office Teachers will need transitional workshops. Decide what the biggest areas of need are and focus PD on those areas. PD does not have to be whole school. Consider PD based on content and specific needs and skills. Be sure not to overwhelm teachers with too many different focus areas. Call Instructional Tech if necessary to help with PD.
What Does Refresh Cover Primary Goal: Desktops, Laptops PersonnelEquipment Requirements Teachers* Core Teachers, Related Arts, Home-Based SPED Laptops (with docking stations) Administrators Principals, AP’s, AA’s, IC’s, Media Specialist, Coordinators. Laptops with docking stations, monitors, keyboard, mouse Support Personnel Plant Engineer, Secretary, Clerks, Front Office, Nurse, etc. Desktops GuidanceLaptop (Elementary); Desktop (Middle/High)
Include an Evaluation Component Laptop carts should have logs with checkout information – Who checked it out – For what purpose (Research, projects, etc) Evaluations will be used for future planning on 2 nd round refresh Lesson plans should support technology integration
Update the Tech Plan Annually Plan should guide your school technology every year, not just refresh years Progress should be evident by next refresh
Tech Plan Review Meetings Changes will be made and items prioritized based on the technology plan and the included needs/wants lists Instructional Technology representative will meet with the administration/tech team to review the plan Month of August/early September 2012
Orders Placed Instructional Technology will order all equipment agreed upon at the final refresh meeting Mid-September 2012
Refresh Implementation Meeting Usually two weeks before refresh Meeting with Instructional Technology and ETS Technicians All inventories must be up to date (Current Inventory and New Computer Inventory) Teachers need to back up documents to home directory/pen drive before delivery September/ October 2012 September/ October 2012
Arrival of Equipment Will plan with the principal for the best installation time District Techs on hand to supervise Any problems on day of refresh should be directed to the onsite technician Staging area will be needed for install October- December 2012
Refresh Allowable Expenditures Laptops Desktops Promethean Boards Promethean Peripherals: ActiVotes (K-2), ActivExpressions, ActivSlates, ActivTablets Laptop Carts Access Points Digital cameras, HUE, wireless keyboards
N-Computing (Labs/Media Center) 15,000 for a full lab
Contact us: Jeff McCoy (3134) Chris Burras (5699) Tim Cushman (3991) Michelle King (3050)