Challenging Race Discrimination in the Private Sector Karon Monaghan Matrix Chambers
Introduction Protecting against discrimination at work: The legislative scheme Complexity and inconsistency The Race Relations Act 1976 Disadvantage – the statistics The Equalities Review
A law is an unequivocal declaration of public policy A law gives support to those who do not wish to discriminate, but who feel compelled to do so by social pressure A law gives protection and redress to minority groups A law thus provides for the peaceful and orderly adjustment of grievances and the release of tensions (Race Relations Board [1967]) The History
The Race Relations Act 1976 – normative and remedial Scope Definitions The Race Relations (Amendment) Act 2000 The Race Relations Act 1976 (Amendment) Regulations 2003 The Race Relations Act 1976
Comprehensive Individual remedies Complex Limited/no funding Poor success rate Absence of private sector duty Strengths and Weaknesses of the Present Model
Legislative Change Private Sector Duties Fair Employment and Treatment (Northern Ireland) Order 1998 Resistance to Legislative Change
Better Regulation Task Force Task Force on Race Equality and Diversity Public Procurement (Contract Compliance) Moving towards a modern concept of equality Non Legislative Change