Strategic Plan Update
Workforce Excellence & Vitality Economic & Structural Review of F&B Services Business Process Transformation Advancing Diversity & Inclusion Transformation of IT Services
A strategy, even a great one, doesn’t implement itself
Business Process Transformation Joe Doncsecz
Optimize Penn State’s resources and gain competitive edge for the future
Robust dialogue started for major systems and process changes to come Momentum and documentation built for financial system RFP
Business process inventory and integration listing Identify and connect with process owners and stakeholders Establish governance structure
Advancing Diversity & Inclusion Lydia Abdullah
Build and sustain a diverse workforce in a welcoming and safe environment
Identification and prioritization of doable objectives Task force created to focus on fear of retaliation issues
Develop a F&B recruitment protocol Implement diversity & inclusion accountability metrics Diversity and inclusion climate survey
Transformation of IT Services Joel Weidner
Increase IT efficiency, build capacity, and provide better service
First ever all F&B IT Staff meeting Developing common solutions for web content delivery and IT security
Appoint new Senior Director of F&B IT Adopt proposed F&B IT governance Establish new F&B IT organizational structure
Economic and Structural Review of F&B Services Dave Rose
Serve the University community in the best possible way
Developed draft processes for reviewing services Initiated review of Commonwealth Campus cafeteria operations
Modify processes based on experience gained from Campus cafeteria review Establish a communication plan Create an inventory of F&B services
Workforce Excellence and Vitality Susan Basso
It’s all about recruiting, retaining and engaging YOU, and other top talent
Refined and prioritized goals based on Impact to F&B and aligned with HR imperatives Developed action plan focused on goals around talent acquisition and talent management
Fully implement new Learning Management system Improve the focus on supervisor and management training within F&B Assign success measures and metrics to the priorities