Welcome Opening Prayer
Vocabulary Presentations Word Origin – Rebwa Clues and questions - Taraia Verbal and visual word association – Bwereia Word Map - Mary Analogies - Teaka Scrambled words & cross word puzzles - Temokua
Comprehension Principles Prior Knowledge Levels of Understanding Integrated Approaches Instructional Lesson Organization of Information Principles of Guiding Comprehension in a Content Area
Levels of Understanding Information Source LEVELQuestionInferenceAnswer # of possible answers Alternate Definition Text ExlpicitTextNoTextOne Right on the page Text ImplicitTextYesTextOne Plus Think and Search Experience- bases TextYesReaderMany On Your Own
Organization of Information We must teach students to understand how an author has organized the information (author’s text structure). This is a powerful strategy which will help students retain information in their long- term memory.
Text Structure Cause and Effect links reasons with results – Because it rained so heavily, the traffic came to a standstill. Compare and Contrast demonstrates likenesses and differences between two or more things. – While a lion and a giraffe are both mammals and bear live young, the lion is a carnivore and the giraffe is a herbivore. Time Order shows the sequential relationship between ideas or events – In December Scott took a job with a new company. Things went so well with the new job that he soon became a supervisor. Problem/Solution is the interaction between two factors, one citing the problem and the other the solution – Certain plants need an environment with a constant, moderate temperature and high humidity or they will die. Consequently, a greenhouse is ideal for those plants.
Comprehension Principles Prior Knowledge Levels of Understanding Integrated Approaches Instructional Lesson Organization of Information Principles of Guiding Comprehension in a Content Area
Integrated Approaches Integrated Approaches can be used across all stages of the lesson – prereading, reading, postreading. Listen-Read-Discuss (pg. 182) - Titeebwa Scaffolding Reading Experience (pg. 184) - Tanuoea Prereading Strategies: Text Appetizers (pg. 192) - Tebakaro Reading Strategies: Option Guides (pg. 201) – Taiara Analogical Guide (pg. 203) - Teaka Postreading Strategies: Reaction Guides (pg. 209) - Temokua The Imposter (pg. 211) - Bweria
Comprehension Strategy 1.(2 pts.) Clearly identify the strategy – name it – and explain how it works, step by step. 2.(2 pts.) Explain why you would use it and what it can do for students. Be specific. 3.(2 pts.) Explain how it can be used in your content area of science, social studies, math, etc. 4.(10 pts.)Demonstrate the strategy as you would in your actual classroom using vocabulary from your content area. 5.(4 pts.) Less than 10 minutes. 6.(5 pts.)Provide a handout for the rest of the class
Direct Reading Thinking Activity The direct reading thinking activity is a self-questioning strategy that encourages students to predict oncoming information in expository text and sets purposes for readings that are personally interesting. Steps: 1.Before reading the text in detail, have students survey the article or text by considering the title, headings, illustrations, and diagrams. 2.Students will write questions they think of during the survey. 3.As a class, discuss the student generated questions, emphasizing the value of personal purpose setting. 4.Students read the text to consider answers to their questions. 5.Discuss answers in small groups and/or as a class. 6.Students will write questions they have that the text does not answer. 7.Help students identify sources (people, library, internet, etc.) to find the answers to their questions. 8.Provide time for students to look for answers.
Student Study (Due Sept. 5) – Observations – Metacognitive Awareness of Reading Strategies Inventory – Student Interview – Content Area Reading Inventory
Content Reading Inventory 1.Choose a short article or portion of a text. 2.Write 5 questions based on reading: a)2 Knowledge questions b)3 Comprehension questions 3.Administer CRI to focus student or class 4.Score the inventory. 5.Share the information learned through the CRI in your student study.
Assignments to date Text Analysis (Due Aug 6) Vocabulary Presentation (Due TODAY) Comprehension/Writing Presentation (Due Aug. 27, Sept 3) Improving Your Classroom Text Environment (Due August 27) Student Study (Due Sept. 3) – Observations – Metacognitive Awareness of Reading Strategies Inventory – Student Interview – Content Area Reading Inventory Portfolio and Reflection (Due Sept. 10)
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