ReCaREDD Project Hans-Jürgen Stibig F. Achard, R. Beuchle, S. Carboni, H. Eva, R. Grecchi, A. Langner, A. Marelli , D. Simonetti, H-J Stibig, A. Verheggen Institute for Environment and Sustainability European Commission Joint Research Centre
EC-project of the DG DEVCO ReCaREDD EC-project of the DG DEVCO (Directorate General - DEVELOPMENT & COOPERATION) implemented by the JRC in collaboration with partner countries and institutions in the tropical regions total budget ~5 Mio Euro
Main Objectives developing/testing new Remote Sensing methodologies for monitoring of forest degradation in the tropics developing specific software tools (open software development) contribute to capacity building in tropical countries for reporting on mitigation actions in the forest sector (REDD+) Approach: enhancing and complementing ongoing country activities and collaborating with institutions and existing projects in the region
help establishing reference emission levels Other Objectives support RS based forest degradation monitoring at local or national scale help establishing reference emission levels collaboration with and involvement of partner institutions in research and testing organize regional/national Technical Workshops and Training (in the region or at the JRC) compiling REDD+ relevant regional database (e.g. on methods, statistics, maps, allometry, biomass data)
focus on Africa, selected cases in S-America and SE-Asia Geographical Areas focus on Africa, selected cases in S-America and SE-Asia = ‘Focus Countries’ - active research on test sites = ‘Associated Countries’ - specific collaboration, sharing
Focus on continental SE-Asia and Lower Mekong basin ReCaREDD in SE-Asia Focus on continental SE-Asia and Lower Mekong basin CAMBODIA: Department of Forestry and Community Forestry (FA) LAOS FIPD- Forest Inventory And Planning Division (DoF/MAF) NOUL- National University of Laos Research Division, Faculty of Forestry VIETNAM FIPI – Forest Inventory and Planning Institute FIPI Hanoi FIPD NOUL Vientiane FA – Phnom Penh
‘Associated countries’ ReCaREDD in SE-Asia ‘Focus Countries’ active work in test sites ‘Associated countries’ (other interested countries of the region) sharing of methods, tools & results invitations to regional workshops or technical meetings support for accessing satellite imagery SENTINEL collaboration on specific issues Bac Kan Bolikhamsai Salavan Lam Dong Kampong Thom
Scale main focus on national & regional-scale monitoring (medium-resolution satellite imagery 10m-5m) test cases for local scale monitoring (high-res imagery 5m-≤1m) Methods flexible approaches, most appropriate choice: automated (pixel or segment based) visual methods
Looking forward for intense use of expected ‘Sentinel-2’ (10m) imagery LANDSAT 1-8 SENTINEL-2 Mission Lifetime 1972 – present launch: June 2015 Repeat cycle 16 days 10 – 5* days * in 2017 with S2a & S2b Swath width 185 km 290 km Spectral bands 7 13 Spatial resolution 30 (60) m 10 (20, 60)m
Regional Forest Observatories Feasibility study establishing information systems and databases for ‘regional forest observatories’ Open call for tender to be launched the study