College of the Canyons Leadership Education in Action Program Focus: A Leadership Imperative
College of the Canyons Leadership Education in Action Program Focus: A Leadership Imperative
“Our life is frittered away by detail.” Henry D. Thoreau Walden
800, – 20,000 2,261
What is a “System Chancellor” anyway?
Improve Student Success Restore Access
Focus Focus!
Focus Focus Focus!
“Focusing is about saying no. You’ve got to say no, no, no. The result of that focus is going to be some really great products where the total is much greater than the sum of the parts.”
“Focusing is about saying no. You’ve got to say no, no, no. The result of that focus is going to be some really great products where the total is much greater than the sum of the parts.” Steve Jobs
Access & Success
Access & Success Getting bigger and better at the same time!
Why is it important?
Now 14 th !
Percent of Population That Has Attained Higher Education
Restoring US leadership will take increases in both Access & Success.
Why do California community colleges make a difference?
American Public Higher Education
1 in 5 students in US community colleges. American Public Higher Education
1 in 5 students in US community colleges. 1 in 10 students in US higher education. American Public Higher Education
More than 600,000 students turned away?
Share of Students at College Level
Is there a plan?
Prop 30 = Access and Success!
Adding back classes and Board of Governors Student Success Task Force
Adding back the right classes!
Adding back the right classes! = + 20, = + 40,000
- K-12 core - Common assessment - Orientation & Ed plan - Declare a program - Enrollment priorities BOG Student Success Task Force
- BOG fee waivers - Full-time attendance - Basic skills - State & local goals - Scorecard BOG Student Success Task Force
Student Success and Access
Simple: Conquering the Crisis of Complexity Siegel & Etzkorn
Empathizing Perceiving others’ expectations.
Distilling Reducing to its essence the substance of the issue.
Clarifying Making the issue easier to understand.
Access & Success
“Seven months does not an expert make.” Brice W. Harris
My personal leadership lessons I will not have the luxury of focusing on only the system agenda.
My personal leadership lessons I will not have the luxury of focusing on only the system agenda…and yet I will try.
My personal leadership lessons Balancing the demands of being in the field and doing the work needed in Sacramento will be impossible.
My personal leadership lessons Balancing the demands of being in the field and doing the work needed in Sacramento will be impossible…so I will simply do the best I can.
My personal leadership lessons My dual roles of oversight and leadership will conflict and people will not always like my decisions.
My personal leadership lessons My dual roles of oversight and leadership will conflict and people will not always like my decisions…so I will lead with integrity and shoulder the words of critics.
My personal leadership lessons I simply will not have the stamina to do everything that needs to be done.
My personal leadership lessons I simply will not have the stamina to do everything that needs to be done…so I will focus my energy on the agenda an not worry about the rest.
My personal leadership lessons This could well end up being the greatest opportunity of my professional life.
My personal leadership lessons This could well end up being the greatest opportunity of my professional life…so I plan to enjoy every moment!
Focus! Focus! Focus!
“Our life is frittered away by detail.” Henry D. Thoreau Walden
2,189 – 217